Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!!

"New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time." ~ James Agate

I can't believe 2011 is already over!  Seems like it just started a couple of months ago.

In 2011, I achieved my goal weight, so in 2012, I will continue to eat healthy, workout, and reach my goal body.  This year I shall finally tone the beast known as my abs!

In the mean time, today is another day of...LINEAGE!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Working from home because NO ONE is in the office this week (last two days I went to office, place was a ghost town).  Today is already slower than slow...1 ticket in 2 hours.  What does that mean?  LINEAGE!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today's Song Addiction


Reflections are deceiving!  We never see in our reflection the reality!  We never think we are thin enough, beautiful enough, young enough, etc.  How do we see the truth?

For example, my jeans weren't fitting right (too big), so I had to go buy some new ones.  It was time to move to size 5/6 from 7/8, but I almost didn't even buy the new jeans.  Why?  Because of what I saw in my reflection!  I stood there, holding up the size 5/6 jeans, thinking about how small they looked, and that there was no way I would even be able to pull those things over my hips!  I almost put them back on the rack and left the store.  I had to urge myself to go into the dressing room to try them on, and even once in there, I'm telling myself that there is no way these jeans were going to fit!  Sure, I KNEW that the size 7/8 I was wearing was too big...the butt was saggy, I was pulling them up every 5 minutes...but looking at these little jeans in my hands, I'm left believing that these jeans were not big enough!  I get to trying them on...FINALLY.  They slide over the hips with ease, but I tell myself, "Well, I still have to button them, and THAT isn't going to happen!"  To my surprise, they button with ease.  I stand there looking in the mirror, in shock that I don't even feel stuffed into these jeans...that this is REALLY my size!!

This was a week ago today, and since then, I feel like I'm wearing a new pair of glasses.  Why?  Because now when I look in the mirror, I see a suddenly slimmer me...all because these little jeans fit.  It's kinda funny, how different people can look at the exact same thing, and see something completely different!  We are our own worst critics.  Maybe we all just need to look at our reflections a bit differently...tell our selves BEFORE turning to that mirror..."I'm beautiful!!!"  Say it 50 times before looking in the mirror if you have to!  I can promise, if you change your thinking before you look at your own image, you will see something different than you saw before.  For me, it was a little pair of jeans.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Musings Of The Day: Happy Dance!

I've been enjoying an extended holiday from work this week.  Had time that had to be used by the end of the year or lost, so I took an extended Christmas break. :)

Most of my shopping is done, and spent the other day with a dear friend whom I haven't gotten to see often enough.

Last night, I made a pleasant discovery!  We were at the mall, and I decided to go try on jeans because the ones I had were feeling quite baggy.  Lets just say I could take them off without undoing the button or zipper!  I wanted to try on a pair of 5/6 jeans to see if I had managed to get down to that size, or if I was in an "in between state" (many women will know about size is just too big, while the next size down is still too small to button comfortably).  The 5/6 jeans fit perfect!  I still have quite a bit of toning to do, but that seems to be less stressful than actually losing weight.  I still have to watch what I eat...always will, but at least now I won't feel so guilty about the occasional bites of cheesecake or chocolate. :)

On another happy note...the TSO concert is tonight!!!  I'm so stoked!!!  I think their holiday show is so much better than Beethoven's Last Night...though I love seeing them no matter what the concert is.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What's The Difference?

Okay, I have to share this, because it is just way too least to me.

The other day at Starbucks, there is a mother and daughter standing behind me.  The little girl asks her mother if she could have a cake pop.  The mother tells her know, explaining that it is not a good for breakfast.  When we get up to the counter, the mother asks the daughter if she wants a glazed cake donut!  I had to stop myself, as I just wanted to turn around and ask her what the difference was between the cake pop and the donut!  So, here IS the difference:

Starbucks Cake Pop
170 Calories
9g Fat
85mg Sodium
22g Carb (18g of sugar)
0g Fiber
<1 g Protein

Starbucks Glazed Donut
420 Calories
21g Fat
260mg Sodium
57g Carbs (34g of sugar)
<1g Fiber
4g Protein

Lady should have let her child have the cake pop, as it would have been least in that it was less total bad stuff at the beginning of the day!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Current Song Addiction

You Don't Represent Me!

As I watched another report about the "Occupy" movement this morning, I couldn't help but thinking...these people need to stop claiming that they represent the 99%!  Why?  Simply put, they don't represent me, and I'm definitely not in the prestigious 1% they claim to be fighting against!  I know for a fact they don't represent others in my circle of family, friends, co-workers, etc.  How can they claim they represent me when they don't even know me?  They don't know what my values are, what my concerns are, etc.  Personally, I don't have an issue with people working hard to improve themselves, even if that improvement leads them to be long as they treat people with dignity and respect on their way to the top. 

No, my problem isn't with the top 1%, as much as it is with the people who sit on their butts for no good reason at all demanding that the government give them yet another handout or entitlement!  I don't want the government paying for my healthcare.  I don't want them paying for my home.  I don't want them paying for anything in my life, really!  I have no issue contributing to pay for emergency services, education, or the defense of our country, but what I do have a problem with is the government taking my hard earned money to give to some lazy person sitting on their couch collecting yet another check or entitlement, and griping that it isn't enough!  Instead of taking my money to pay for the healthcare of the smoker with lung cancer who made the CHOICE to smoke, the alcoholic with liver problems who made the CHOICE to drink, the drug user with multiple health issues who made the CHOICE to do drugs, the person with multiple health issues who made the CHOICE to eat nothing but junk food and not get off their butts to exercise, etc., let me keep my money to pay for my own healthcare and my own choices, and the healthcare of my children!!

Now, if a person has health issues by no fault of their own (genetic disorders, work related accidents, old age, etc.), then I have no problem with aid...but the government is not doing anything to effectively weed out the freeloaders from the people who truly need help!  I am willing to bet that for every one person on financial assistance who is in TRUE need of help, there are two people on financial assistance who are just too lazy to do anything for themselves to improve their stations in life.  I've worked two jobs, I worked while I went to school while also being a single mom, I bust my butt every day at a job I hate so that I have the money to pay my bills, put a roof over my family's head, put food on the table, etc.  You don't find me in some park whining about how it isn't fair that Warren Buffet has millions of dollars and I don't!  No...I get up every morning, eat a quick breakfast as I run out the door to take my son to school, spend an hour in traffic, hit the gym, go to work for 8 hours in a building that is always freezing cold doing a job I'm really not so fond of at the moment, spend another hour in traffic, spend what little time I have left of my day with my family (which amounts to about 3 hours, if I'm lucky), and then sleep so I can do the same thing the next day...all so I can make a life for my family and pay my bills!

Sorry this is so long...this whole "Occupy" thing just ticks me off!  Do I agree with the government?  On many things, no...but I am not going to further waste taxpayer money by taking to the streets day in and day out to express my thoughts on the matter.  I'll go on private letter-writing campaigns to my elected officials who are the only ones who can make any difference.  The "Occupy" movement is only hurting the very people they claim to represent...they don't represent me!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Milestone!

Today, I have reached a new milestone in my weight loss journey!  I have dipped into the 130's, for the first time since before I got pregnant with my son (who, by the way, will be 17 next week).  This just encourages me even more!!!  This almost makes up for not being able to play Lineage II last night after the crappy day I had!

Monday, December 5, 2011

No Lineage?!?!?!

So I go to play Lineage II tonight, and there is this huge update that takes like two hours to download and install!  UGH!!!!  After my day, I really needed to play tonight, but because I have to be up early, no playing for me. :(


1. Unnecessarily cold indoor temperatures! Why is it during the summer, so many places blare the A/C, but in the winter they can't even bother to turn on the heat?  I've been shivering at work all day! The outside temperature is 42 degrees with the wind chill being 35.  The walls on all sides of the floor that I'm on are glass, so this is just radiating the cold (as it does the heat in the summer).  I'm in an enclosed office (no windows with the door closed), and I'm freezing to the point of shivering, and I'm in jeans, boots with long socks, an undershirt, sweater, AND I'm wrapped up in a Snuggie, and I can't seem to get warm!

2. People who rush to hit the "elevator close" button when you are two steps away from the elevator. They know you are there and walking briskly to the elevator, but they still attempt to shut the doors in your face. Is the two seconds it is going to take me to board the elevator, or the 10 seconds for me to get off on my floor really going to affect you that much?  If so, maybe you should try leaving the house for work a few minutes earlier.

3. People who park crooked or over the lines.  Is it really that difficult to park your car?  I mean, at the gym this morning, I parked evenly between my lines.  I come out, and some moron parks on the line and crooked in the space next to my driver's side.  I could barely get between my car and theirs without my gym bag rubbing down either of our cars, and I barely had enough room to open my door to get into my car.  Seriously, people....LEARN TO PARK!

I know...lots of negativity today. has been a tough Monday, and I have actually been affected 
by all of these today.  If the issue with the parking lot at the gym wasn't bad enough, I get to work and nearly have the door shut in my face by some rude person (had I not stuck my foot in the door, because I was NOT waiting in that cold lobby for another 5 minutes for an elevator), and then dealing with the cold all day.  Not a good Monday!

On a good note, as of this weekend, I have hit my weight goal of 140 lbs!!  Now, I just need to get rid of the 5 lbs I will gain on my cruise next month.  I figure, since I KNOW I will gain about 5 lbs on the cruise, it is better to my psyche to lose the weight first, and then gain it back than it would be to come back from my cruise 145+ lbs. :)

Oh, and at least I get to play more Lineage II tonight!  Haven't gotten to play in days.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day Of Chaos!

Today, so far, has been a very chaotic day at the office. Working in any job that has anything to do with retail at this time of year is crazy! My job is only a "behind the scenes" type of thing, but the scene is still loading on the stress!

Musings for today:

1. Black Friday sales, for the most part, are nothing special. I went shopping on Monday of last week, and for many of my favorite stores, the SAME sales I took advantage of on Monday were the ones in the flyers for Black Friday. The stores hype everything up...opening at crazy hours and the like...for what? People are brainwashed, I tell you...BRAINWASHED! We drove around about midnight Thanksgiving/Black Friday, and laughed at all the people who had obviously been standing in line for hours on end...all to save $3 on some DVDs or $100 on some TV? Their time must not be all that valuable! Me personally? I wouldn't stand outside in the cold for that length of time unless there were at least $100,000 at stake! Now, THAT would be something worth my while. ;)

2. Lineage II is addictive! I actually played so much this past weekend that THE GAME popped up a message in my messaging block telling me something like, "You have been playing for an extended period of time. You should consider taking a break." Sad, I know, but all I could do was giggle as I kept on playing!

Monday, November 28, 2011

NOW, Christmas Can Begin!

Okay, so the turkey has been cooked, and trimmed with all the trimmings. We have enjoyed 3 full days of Thanksgiving left-overs, and the rest of the turkey turned into a delicious soup for the cold week to come.  NOW, Christmas can begin!  Of course, certain radio stations have been playing Christmas music for over 2 weeks and the stores had Christmas decorations up before Halloween was even over.  Don't get me wrong...I love the Christmas season...but it just came way too early this year, and Thanksgiving nearly disappeared.  A little later next year folks!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm Really Tired Of This!!!

Okay, so this fever has been haunting me for a week now!  No other symptoms...just fever and overall feeling of blahness (I know, that isn't even a word).  Occasional cough, but no congestion, and the cough seems more allergy/asthma related than anything. Sure, I get to work from home, which is always a plus, but I'm not able to go to the gym, not able to exercise at home...UGH!  Only thing I have going for me is that a fever raises your metabolism, and I haven't really felt all that hungry.  I've been trying to keep my protein high, so my body doesn't start using the muscle I've started to build back up as fuel.

At least some good news from work today.  Seems one of my major issues may soon see some resolution!  Can't go into details, but things may start to look up!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Too Soon For Christmas?

Today's musings:

1. Why is it that before Halloween is even over, the stores are already pushing Christmas? I love the holiday and all...the smells of spicy breads and cookies as they bake, the twinkle lights, hot chocolate and apple cider, tamales, etc.  What I don't love is that the holiday has become so commercialized, that it starts way before Thanksgiving, and this year, seems to even trump Thanksgiving!!  I mean, how many people are going to have to spend most of Thanksgiving day sleeping, because they have to report to work at 9-10 pm to prepare for the hordes of  people brainwashed into thinking that "Black Friday" deals are really that great...only to fight over the last of the latest toys and what not?  These people are being taken away from their families for the purpose of the "Oh Mighty Dollar"!  Is it really worth it?  And what about the people who will camp out in front of these stores on Thanksgiving Day to be one of the first in front of the stores?  Thanksgiving Day is supposed to be a time of fellowship with friends and family...eating too much...watching a football game together...dusting off that deck of cards for a serious game between people who haven't actually seen each other all wrestling in the back yard and sitting in front of a fire making smores after the sun goes down...etc.  This country really has their priorities screwed up!  I mean, I have no problem with the traditional "ladies go out shopping together while the men watch football" on the Friday after Thanksgiving...this is fun times, too.  But let's keep Thanksgiving just that...a day of thanksgiving!

2. Every other day, I see on the route to work a NEW alert for a missing elderly person.  It makes me wonder, are these people really "missing"? Could it be a case that they got tired of their overbearing children treating them like children, so they snuck off to go spend a few days with their rummy partner or something, and don't feel like talking to their kids? Could it be that years after a spouse died, they have a new love, and the two snuck off for some alone time? Just seems to me we have an awful lot of elderly people just wandering off.

3. WHY do people have to rubber-neck at every little thing happening on the side of the road? Yesterday, I got stuck in traffic because someone was well off the roadway changing a tire! Yes, just changing a tire!!! Once you got past the person changing the tire, traffic flowed just fine, as people realized, "Oh, that's it?"  Then, this morning, I got stuck in traffic because of people gawking at a fender-bender which had been moved off to the side of the road. Even out of the side of my eye, I could see the damage and it was obvious to me that the wreck was caused by someone being stupid (it is one of those areas where a lane ends, and there is PLENTY of advance warning the lane will end and one should merge over, but people insist on speeding up and forcing their way in at the last second). Even if there were an accident and blood and guts everywhere, I'm sure the person or the family of that person wouldn't want you gawking at them...I know I surely wouldn't want you just gawking at me if I was hurt and being tended to by emergency services.  Even worse is when emergency services are not even there, and people just gawk and don't offer the person any assistance!  Even if emergency services are on the way, maybe that person needs a blanket or something to prevent going into shock! It amazes me how people can see a person in need of help, and just drive by thinking, "Ooooo...that looks nasty!"

4. One of my favorite YouTube personalities is working on having a new positive outlook on life, and is urging his viewers to do the same. I try...I honestly do! However, it is sometimes very difficult to have a positive outlook when one is surrounded by such stupidity! I mean, SERIOUSLY! It drags on you, and my "positive" outlook turns into, "Yes, I'm looking at things positively...I'm POSITIVE you are acting as stupid as you possibly can!"

I know today's "musings" is a bit long. I'm not feeling well...haven't felt well in over a week now. I need a serious vacation...come on January! When I'm not well, I tend to me more sensitive to the junk going on around me...that's all. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Take The Bad With The Good

BAD: Today is looking a whole lot like yesterday! It is sad that I have to turn off all my IM apps because certain people CANNOT get the idea that they are supposed to put in tickets rather than ping me directly...this is procedure! The problem is, they want THEIR issue to take precedence, so they ping me directly so that I have to tend to their issue right then and there, and this is not right to me (as I have to drop whatever it is I am doing, even to respond to them that they need to put in a ticket) or others who have followed the correct process to get their issue in the queue to be worked.  It also puts ALL the burden on me, especially when half of the issues should be going to the other daytime person.

GOOD: Today is a glorious, grey, rainy day!!!  I love days like this...just wish I didn't have to be cooped up inside.  I want to be out shopping or at an open mall where I can walk around with my umbrella without a care in the world. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Many Random Thoughts Of The Day

1. Really need to get my lia sophia jewelry business working for me! I'm having such difficulty.  Today, I've sent out Facebook and Twitter messages, and an email to a rather large list of people in my contacts.  I'm debating whether or not to take some time at the shopping center across the street later today to hand out some business cards.  I'm really hoping the holiday shopping season will help pick things up, and get those contacts going!

2. Have I mentioned before how much I H.A.T.E. trying to lose weight? After such good progress with the trainer, I've stalled again! I'm wondering if it is the protein bars, so I'm trying not having those for a couple of weeks and see what happens.  UGH!  This is so frustrating!  Just 14 measly little pounds to go, and they refuse to leave me!

3. Okay, so I know I've mentioned holiday shopping.  Holiday shopping at this time of year is one thing.  I mean, I've already gotten some things marked off of my list.  I don't believe you must wait until the day after Thanksgiving to get the shopping out of the way, and understand that the earlier it is finished, the more you can enjoy the holiday season. :)  However, we go out to eat the other evening, and the radio station the establishment is set on is playing Christmas music!!  Really?  That truly is a bit much!  Some things are better left until AFTER Thanksgiving.  Seriously!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

So Frustrating!

Okay, so I need to re-evaluate...AGAIN!  I've been trying to do what the trainer told me to do on my own...and I THINK I've been doing good.  The scale creeped up a half a pound!  UGH!  I hate this!  I mean, I know I didn't make it to the gym a couple of days this week (Monday and today), but the last two days I busted my tail, doing a little extra cardio.  I wonder if it is the protein bars?  Maybe a bit too many carbs?  I don't know...but I'm going to try to make some adjustments and see what happens...bust it a little harder on the cardio and cut back about 20g of carbs to try to stay around 80g a day.  I have noticed I haven't been getting a lot of veggies, so will look at increasing those, as well.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Long And Dreary

Today is a long and dreary day! I have tons of work, and it keeps piling on faster than I can get it done. I feel like I'm drowning, sinking further and further into a hole.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This One Takes Me Back!

The Many Observations Of The Day (And It's Still Early)!

1. With everyone in an uproar over gay marriage and protecting the sanctity of marriage, where are these same people when you have a highly profiled Hollywood divorce after only 72 days of marriage?  Seems to me, this is more an insult to the sanctity of marriage!  Hmmm...two people of the opposite sex who bail the second things get tough because they can (and weren't truly in love), or two people of the same sex who have been together for years on end through thick and thin because of the love they have for each other.  Which is worse on the image of marriage?  Just an observation!

2. Heard a headline today that drinking soda may be linked to teen violence.  They are just now figuring this out?  Any parent who pays any kind of attention to their kids should have figured this out a long time ago!  I mean, early on, I noticed a connection in my daughter with regards to her behavior and whether or not she had any Dr. Pepper that day.  If she had soda, she tended to get a bad attitude...and bad attitudes can definitely lead to violent behavior.  DUH!!!

3. People simply do not pay attention to their surroundings, or just don't care.  This goes for walking in the grocery store, driving their cars, etc.

Yep...some really deep stuff for so early in the day, I know. :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Are You Pondering What I Am Pondering?

1. Protein shakes actually do taste more tolerable when properly mixed in one of those nifty bottles with the whisk ball.

2. People continue each day to amaze me with their ignorance and stupidity.

3. Autumn is a season taken for granted, and you don't realize how much of a blessing it is until you are deep into the month of October while still experiencing near summer temperatures and continued drought.

That about covers my thoughts for today!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Leave My Food Alone!

I was reading today that the FDA wants to approve these new "frankenfish"!  Will they PLEASE stop screwing with our food supply?  All this dorking with the food supply is not healthy...come to find out a lot of this crap is causing hormone imbalances...important things like estrogen, testosterone, thyroid hormones, hormones that tell us when to stop eating, etc.  Wonder why healthcare costs keep going up?  Why people are more overweight and sicker than generations before us?  It's because we are eating a bunch of dorked with food that our bodies do not know what to do with!

I was also reading today that ingredient in #3 and #7 plastics and used to line cans for food...has been linked to behavioral problems in children if too much is consumed while a mother is pregnant.  BPA was given the green flag by the FDA as 100% safe!!  I really don't trust the FDA at all...just because they say it is okay, does not mean it is!  They have so many special interest groups handing them money it isn't even funny!

We are going the wrong way...we should be REMOVING things from the food supply...MSG, BHT, BHA, excess sodium, high-fructose corn syrup, etc...not coming up with new ways to make un-natural food!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Now THIS Is Some Wake Up Music!!

Great way to start my day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Particularly Annoying!

Yes, that is what people have been the last couple of days, and the rest of the week does not look to get any better! It's just dumb stuff...stuff that could be avoided! UGH! I'm so ready for the weekend so I can be away from these folks!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Finally Friday!

FRIDAY!!!! Yippie!!! I've survived my first week of kicking my butt back into shape...but oh how tired I am! Guess it is normal, right? It has been a very long say the least...and work today has not been helping matters. Lots of running around this week, and lots of issues at work...crazy stuff, too! Next week should be a bit calmer now that Homecoming festivities in town are over with. With a child on the varsity football team, there are lots of engagements where his presence is require during Homecoming week...UGH! I guess that is the way it is when you live in a small town and the varsity football team are basically celebrities...the ones who entertain the whole town every Friday night in the fall. the weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Accountability...that is what having a personal trainer is! Sure, you can "try" to eat right, you can "try" to get to the gym every day, and when you get there, you can go through the motions of a work out. The whole while you are doing it, you have yourself convinced that you are doing great! This is especially true if those around you love you just the way you are...they always tell you that you look great, etc. This help feeds your thoughts about what you are doing...."Go ahead and take a week deserve've been at the gym the last 2 weeks...a week will not hurt you." Yeah, these are the words I've heard...out of and inside my head. What I've realized this week is that I have been my own worst enemy in my weight loss journey! Sure, I should be very proud of the 50 lbs I've lost up to this point. Yes, I am beautiful regardless. However, I'm still not happy with where I am at! I still carry around an unacceptable amount of body fat (though it doesn't really show, it IS there), and I'm still not in the best physical shape I can be! I don't feel energized, and I'm frustrated! I have sat there and asked myself why...I've been eating healthy, I've been exercising (though truly only occasionally)...and I'm not understanding why the last 10-15 lbs just will not budge!

In to the picture comes a personal trainer! I have to admit, I wanted to eat that piece of chocolate yesterday...but then the words entered my head that I need to back off (not eliminate) my carbs and NO carbs at all after 7:00 p.m. I can honestly say that it was so very tempting to just stay in bed a little longer this morning, and skip the gym altogether...especially since my muscles were still feeling yesterday's workout. And to be truly honest, as I worked out on the elliptical (aka "Demon Machine"), I thought, "Do I really need to do these high intensity intervals?" See, these thoughts and temptations would have done me in before, but now I have accountability! Sure, I only paid for 3 sessions, but that doesn't mean that the personal trainer is going to leave it at that! I've made an investment, and he understands he is making an investment (of his time) in me! I'm sure that even after my sessions run out, he will be watching! Yes, he will stop me when he sees me and ask me how things are going, and maybe even call me in for another free body fat analysis just to make sure that the time invested didn't go to waste and I'm still on the right track! Accountability...

1. Sure, I could have had that piece of chocolate, or any other treat I wanted, and just not put it on my food journal I must send to my trainer every day. How would he know, right? Oh, he would know when I weighed in, knowing that the plan he prescribed was a sure fire solution!

2. Yes, I could have stayed in bed and skipped the gym...but guess what? The trainer would still be there, and wonder why he didn't see me come in to do my cardio as I promised I would do! I would probably even get an email, "Didn't see you this morning...what happened?" Yes, he saw me as I was coming in, and told me "Good job!" on my food logs...he IS watching!

3. And the trainer was busy with another client this morning, so how would he have known if I didn't do all the intervals on the "Demon Machine"? Oh, he would have known, for the reasons I stated in 1 and 2...I eventually have to weigh in again, AND he IS watching!

So, bottom line...I skipped the chocolate, got my achy, happy butt out of bed, went to the gym, and worked my butt off again...all because I was being held accountable!

Monday, October 10, 2011

What Will Tomorrow Hold?

I start with my personal trainer tomorrow. This should be interesting! I'm excited about the prospect of finally getting down to my goal weight, but nervous about how hard this trainer may work me. I decided to dust off my Body Bugg today. It will be interesting to wear it for a couple of months to see how things are different with a personal trainer. I may be posting a bit more...need an outlet. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

New Start

After talking to a trainer this week about being stuck, I've decided to start new on my final weight loss goals. It is going to be tough. I've decided to take on a trainer for a spell...have him build a workout for me and look over my diet to see if there are any places I'm sabotaging myself. Going to spend this next week journalling so that I can give it to the trainer...what I'm eating, how much sleep I'm getting, etc. I know this will not be easy, and at some point I'll want to throw in the towel, but I just have to keep my eyes on the end result!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Not Having A Good Day!

Today has been...well...let's just of THOSE days! Today is definitely not the kind of day one needs after a restless night of little sleep! First, my grapes were too old to eat...looked like they started turning to raisins. They weren't so bad yesterday, but today they were awful! Then, I get to work, and as I'm walking around my car, I see this long scratch on the passenger it had been keyed or something! Who would do that? So, I get to work...and one annoyance after another. I have to there a reason for using one's speaker phone on full blast with your office door open when you are the ONLY one in the room on the call? I often think that speaker phones are misused. They are great when you have more than one person in the room who needs to participate on the call...and even then, the door should be shut. I mean, it is bad enough most people talk so loudly on the phone I have to listen to their side of the conversation...I don't really care to listen to both sides of the conversation. And I just stepped out for a break, and noticed this awful smell outside my office...a poop smell. Made me want to gag! Thank goodness I have a door! Just home it doesn't find some way to venture in here. Yeah...not having a good day...not at all!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

UGH! So Many Changes!!!

Every time I turn around, things are changing. First, blogger makes significant changes. I finally got used to where everything was in Blogger, and Facebook goes and does a whole revamp! Seriously? Slow down with the changes, PLEASE! What's next? Twitter?

Monday, September 12, 2011


Just a bunch of random thoughts today...

I want another tattoo. Those who said it could be addictive were right! I have a couple of ideas in mind...just not sure exactly what to go with or where. I'm thinking a Celtic knot on my ankle, with the words: "Athar, Mhic, agus Spioraid Naoimh" (Gaelic for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). I want this one as an expression of my faith and my family heritage.

The 100+ degree days are back, with rain in the forecast for the first part of next week. Let's see what happens...I'm not holding my breath!

I'm feeling down today...most likely because I don't feel well, and it has been ages since I've seen a good rain storm. I am so ready for winter! However crazy, I'm also ready for my vacation in January. How is that crazy one may ask? Because the vacation is to the Caribbean. Even though, it will be mild weather while there, and a gorgeous ship which we will be on.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Dragon And The Warrior

A dragon has descended upon us
and in it's path, total destruction.
We flee and pray for a warrior,
one who is cool and lacking frustration.

This warrior will slay the dragon
with a gentle and cool outpour.
As the warrior descends on the dragon,
the fires will rule no more.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One Scary Weekend!

The state was ravaged by fires this past holiday weekend...a couple way to close to home! Friends lost a home, many other friends were forced to evacuate. With these dry conditions, people really have to be more careful!! I find myself worrying about people doing dumb things, like tossing a cigarette butt, and losing everything as a result. We live in a neighborhood just off a highway, and all it would take is one tossed butt, and this whole neighborhood would be gone before the fire department could even get to us...especially considering that they are off helping with some of the other fires. This is scary stuff! I pray for rain, and for people to be smart!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh, Where Is The Rain?

This hot, dry weather is bringing me down, in more ways than one! I miss the dark clouds, the rolling thunder, the smell of rain. Even more right now, I miss the CLEAN air! With everything so dry, from the dirt to the grass, every hot breeze kicks up everything, leaving a dust everywhere...including my sinuses! I want to fell better! I want to be happy again! I'm tired of my head causing me misery!!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hate Days Like This!

Those days when you feel like total crap, but the last thing you are allowed to do is rest! Why is it when I don't feel well, everyone comes out of the woodwork to bug me? Is there some marquee out there telling the world I'm feeling bad?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ready For Cooler Weather!

So today, my area matches a record for the number of 100+ degree days that was set about 86 years ago! Looking at the 10-day forecast, looks like the record is going to be knocked out of the to speak...because there is still no rain in sight! UGH! I miss stormy days...the clouds, the smell of rain, the low rumble of the thunder...oh, when will they return! It feels like never, but I know it will happen...someday...just not any day in the near future!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Benefits Of Juicing!

Yep, I'm on the juice...but not like you think! I bought a juicer yesterday, and decided to incorporate regular juices into my diet every day. I used to have this very interesting juice every day, but the juice bar that I used to get it from went out of business. Luckily, before the guy went out of business, he shared the recipe with me (I mean, what benefit was it to him to not give me the recipe of my favorite drink, since he was already going out of business). I haven't had this juice for about 2 years now...tried in a blender, but didn't quite get it (buying some of the juices bottled, such as the pineapple juice, and mixing with pureed stuff...wasn't quite the same). I finally bit the bullet and got a juicer, and this morning was reintroduced to my old friend...the Tango 7. It's a funny name, but this is a funny juice! I remember when I was first introduced to it...I looked at the list of ingredients and thought, "Really? That can't possibly taste any good!" I think what threw me off the most was the garlic. But, the owner of the juice bar urged me to try it. I did, and still wasn't quite convinced. It wasn't terrible, but it tasted funny. After a couple of weeks, the taste grew on much that he used to make mine with a little extra garlic at my request. This stuff is better than any energy drink!

The health benefits are amazing, which makes the $90 spent on my juicer well worth the cost:

- Because the juice doesn't have to go through the digestion process, vitamins are more easily absorbed into the body.

- With juicing, you can consume more servings of fruit and vegetables than you could ever stand eating as solid.

- No added sugar, HFCS, artificial sweeteners, etc. that you often find in bottled juice...thus, juicing can be beneficial in weight loss.

- Better overall health, and juices can help detoxify the body.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Heatwave + Drought = Lost Inspiration

With this heat and this drought, I'm having a hard time finding inspiration for my photography. All the beautiful flowers and such are withered away. It is too hot to get out and about. I don't have any poor camera sits in it's bag on a shelf. :( I need some inspiration!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reflection On My "Cruise Diet"

Shifting gears today in my ramblings. About a month ago, I officially started what I affectionately call the "Cruise Diet". We have a cruise scheduled for January. Last year we went in September, and I fell short of my goals by the time the trip came along...missing my goal by 10 lbs. That may not seem like much, but when you have a very unforgiving dress that ended up hanging in the closet instead of being spotlighted...well. I gained a few pounds back on the cruise, and gained a few more back over the holidays. I was up 10 lbs when it was all said and done...meaning, when I started, I had 20 lbs to go instead of 10.

This is going to be a bit of a challenge...seeing as I have to get through the holidays before the cruise as well. Considering that I've totally changed the way I eat now, I'm hoping that this should be easier. I've gone mostly organic...I say mostly, because I still occasionally eat out...we have our once a week get together, and this week I had to take care of a Chick-Fil-A craving. :) But I have become very conscious about this...I have turned my overall health around, so I don't want to compromise by eating a bunch of junk.

The toughest part of it all is being impatient. I mean, we all want to see fast results, while we all know that slow results are the longest lasting. At about a half a pound to a pound a week, I see myself frustrated sometimes. I also have to remind myself that muscles are not going to tone overnight, because I get so discouraged when I still see those areas that I'm not quite happy with. I have to keep reminding myself that progress is being made, as slow as it may be, and that at the current rate my goal is very much an attainable one. I still have 23 weeks, and that is 11-23 lbs I can lose between now and then, and as the fat goes, the muscle tone will start to show, right?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

World Out Of Control?

Some very important words from the message at my church this past weekend: "Revolution comes through HONOR, not through protest!" I reflect on those words, and I remember the riots in Los Angeles recently when a group of youths were not permitted into a movie premier, and I think about the current situation in London, and the "flash mobs" in Philly. Are we a world out of control? Are our young people so concerned about themselves that they don't see what they are doing to others? I am truly concerned for our future if this is how people are acting...full of selfishness and desire for instant gratification! Destroying the property of innocent people and hurting innocent people is not the answer! Revolution through HONOR!!! We need to teach the generations how to respectfully voice their concerns. A protest or riot is not going to make the powers that be listen to you any more than a phone call, email, or letter to the office of the organization you have an issue with. As a matter of fact, respectfully voicing your concerns has a better chance of action than running crazy! All these riots are going to do is cause greater tension between those who truly understand the issue and the powers that be.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I Must Admit...

...I, too, have felt this way on some days.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ugh...This Heat!

These 100+ degree days are killing me! Trying to keep the electric bill reasonable, the thermostat is set at 80 degrees during the day, even while I am working from home, but having this warm laptop on my lap isn't helping things. I need to work out...seeing as working from home gets me no where near the gym...but with the house being a bit on the warm side, I'm just not motivated. The good things is, when I'm too warm, I don't feel like eating a lot...and tend to not feel like eating cooked food, so that should balance out the lack of workouts. :)

Butterflies do not do well in the heat, and this butterfly is no exception!

Monday, August 1, 2011


I've been eating mostly organic for a few months now after reading a book by Jillian Michaels that scared the crap out of me. The book was called "Boost Your Metabolism". It wasn't a diet book, but a book about how JUNK in our food and environment messes with the body. MSG, BHA, BHT, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and a host of other things found not only in our foods, but in makeup, plastics, household cleaning products, etc. Now, I haven't given up my makeup, but I have changed my lotions, double checked my shampoo, and changed my household cleaning products...especially my dish soap (I mean, the stuff could potentially leave a fine coat on things I use for my food and drink). I watch my plastics, to only use those which are safer, and use glass whenever possible. By making these changes and eating organic, I have tamed my allergies, tamed my asthma, gotten rid of my recurring migraines, and even go rid of my PMDD! People have also commented on how great skin looks. I've even gone so far as to try to eliminate OTC meds as much as possible...I use ginger to treat my carpel tunnel, and it works!!

One thing I have noticed recently is how tasty raw foods have become. It's like my taste buds have been awakened! Seems all the salt, HFC, sugar, and other flavor enhancers have made us less sensitive to the real flavors in raw food, so the food packagers have to add more and more. But, if you can get yourself away from all the crap, you can actually get your taste buds back! I mean, fruit to me now tastes so sweet! I'm eating the same organic fruit as when I started this journey, but I notice that now it tastes much sweeter!

I was reading an interview with Jillian Michaels in this month's Fitness magazine where she said that one of her goals was to work towards getting all the crap out if the food we eat, and after my personal experience, I support her 110%!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Day Of Vintage Shopping the stuff was new, but with old styles coming back/old styles that never went away, it felt like a day at the mall from my teen years...only, back then I didn't have any money and would have only been allowed to try on my purchases of the day...LOL! Walked out of the mall with a pair of Calvin Klein jeans and a pair of Ray-Ban Wayferer sunglasses. Man, I'm so stuck in the 80's!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011


This has been one long week, and I am so glad I will soon see it's end! It has been the week of bad news...let me tell you! One friend of ours lost a loved one to a tragic accident...another lost her job...the roof of our house is totaled out (okay, so that one isn't ALL bad because the insurance covers it, but it is the work of getting someone out there, and then the banging for who knows how long).

Come on 5 o'clock! Get me out of here!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I've seen some pretty hateful comments all over the web the last couple of days, and I have to ask...WHY? Seems to me that there are always people who try to put themselves above others for whatever reason...religion, color, shape, financial standing, etc. It is depressing that people can't learn to accept each other's differences! I mean, with the recent stuff in Norway, I've seen talk that religion is the cause of the world's problems; but I have to argue, lack of tolerance is the cause of the world's problems. If people didn't have religion to fall on as their reason behind their hate, they would simply pick something else. There are people in this world that just love to hate! I really wish people would just get over themselves...period! No one is one is better than anyone else...we are all unique, and as soon as the rest of the world gets that through their thick skulls the better off we will all be!

Okay, so I'm really getting tired of this heat! A pale girl like me does not do well in 100+ degree weather! I was not made for this! I am so ready for fall to kick in.

I am also so ready for my vacation...same it is still several months away. I really need a real break away from everything...time to go off and just relax. Things have been all around pretty stressful, and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel right now.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thinking Ahead...Or...Thinking At All!

It simply amazes me how little people think ahead...or as it sometimes all! I mean, if you know you will have to turn left at a point on the road, why do so many sit in the far right lane until the very last minute? If one knows an expense is in their future, why don't they plan and save up for it? If they know they are going on a vacation, why don't they let their employers know with enough advance so that they can make sure that there is plenty of coverage while the person is gone...instead of waiting until the week before at which point people may have already made plans for other things, and someone's plans WILL have to be changed?

I think about this often...especially on my morning commute. I mean, I KNOW that there will be a certain amount of traffic, and I need to make a right turn after I exit, so I take the exit before the one for my street to give me ample time to move over to the far right safely. However, every morning, I get flipped off or looked at funny if I don't come to a complete stop in the middle of traffic to allow someone to cut in front of me to make a turn 10 yards away because they didn't move over in advance of their turn!

Just plan ahead, people! It is easier, and safer!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ahhh...Time Warp!

SyFy is having a "Greatest American Hero" marathon today. This was pretty much the ONLY show I could get my dad to watch on TV when I was younger. He wasn't big on TV, but he seemed to like the humor of Mr. H running into walls and stuff. Ahhhhh...good times...the 80's and the bad acting of the time. Oh, and the bad costumes. Good stuff!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Today's Rants!

I hate trying to lose weight! My stomach got a little stretched out again (internally), so I've been eating a bit more than I would like to. This has meant that I've seen NO weight loss, even though I've been doing good to exercise. So, this week, I've gone back to very strict portion control and staying within my 1200-1300 calorie exceptions. My stomach is so not liking these smaller portions! I have the energy and all, but I haven't yet gotten past feeling hungry all the freakin' time! UGH! I HATE this! I know in about another week I will be just fine...I've been there before. I'm trying to get back to where a kids' meal fills me up (which, by the way, in most places is a 500 calorie meal, and if the average person is only supposed to have about 2000 a day, that doesn't leave much for the other 3-4 meals we should be eating, since it is highly recommended we have 3 meals and 2 snacks every day). I'm still about 12 lbs away from my goal weight...17 lbs away from the weight I want to be for my cruise in 6 months (I want to be 5 lbs below my goal, so that I don't come home and have to go back on a diet again...LOL).

On a different topic...I really have a dislike for rude people! Encountered one on my way to work today. Won't go into details...but he was plain rude!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Such Sweet Music... the sound of rain and thunder...especially when it has been absent for so long!

Nobody's Perfect

Have you ever noticed how there are actually people in this world who feel it is actually possible for a person to be perfect all the time? Now, thankfully, people who I really care about know otherwise. They understand that people are just that...people! People are not perfect, we make mistakes! Yep, contrary to what SOME believe, people are only people, and no one is perfect by any means. We all have days where we may not feel quite perfect...didn't sleep well the night before, something happened that has us a bit upset and we don't really feel like talking about it, too much stuff going on around us, or just plain need for a break because you have been going full force for months without one. These are all reasons one may make a mistake, right? So to those in the world who may be reading this and may be thinking that perfection in people is a reality, please, I implore you...please change your thinking! It will be better for everyone if we learn to accept the flaws of others, understand that is possible for people to just have a bad day, and go on with life!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Does Our Food Supply Make Us Sick?

This is a question I've been pondering as of late. Since changing my diet to contain mostly organic foods and meat from grass-fed/free-roaming animals, I have noticed a significant change in my health. I haven't suffered from allergies when everyone else around me is dying; I haven't used my asthma inhaler in two months; I hardly have any headaches any more (an occasional head "annoyance" as I like to call them, but nothing that impairs my function). Overall, I feel better! I didn't change the actual foods I was eating...basically still the same amounts of starches, fruits and veggies, lean meats. The only thing I've changed is how they were processed or grown.

Years ago, my dad chose a vegetarian diet after reading about all the hormones and stuff which were being pumped into our livestock to produce a cheaper food supply. Back then, free-range and grass-fed were not as affordable and available as they are now (yes, they are still more expensive meats, but as bad in comparison as years ago). He is now nearly 70, doesn't have any pill bottles sitting by his bedside, and out-hike most of us! He used to not be able to enter a house where a cat may have been without his allergies going in full force, and these days he can sit with one on his lap. He grows whatever he can, and carefully selects those things he can't. He is in GREAT health for a man his age!

Which leads me to think...our food supply IS making us sick! All the added sugar, high fructose corn syrup (which is bad in that it aids in obesity), MSG, BHT, BHA, added sodium, and all of this other junk that we cannot even pronounce that is supposedly there to preserve our food and make it taste better! Does it really make the food taste better? Truth is, whether you believe we were created by God, or we came from the earth...we were never meant to eat all of this manufactured and processed crap that litters the grocery store shelves every day! It is very hard to find food that isn't modified in some way. Even that which is supposed to be fresh meat is jacked up with hormones and antibiotics...not to mention that most are stored in some kind of "juice" to help preserve it. You see things like "BHA added to enhance flavor" on the packaging for lunch meat and breakfast sausage. Is this stuff really needed?

I bought some ketchup for the house...all NATURAL ingredients...not HFC or anything like that. After my son had been using it for a week, I asked him what he thought about the ketchup. He said, "It's tastes like ketchup." I then revealed to him that I bought ketchup without all the added junk that was in his old ketchup, and then asked, "So do YOU think all that extra stuff is needed?" His response was, "Guess not."

So, I guess I will continue on my journey, and pray that some day, the food and drug industries will quit trying to poison the population for a quick buck!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Something To Be Said...

...about nearly having your own office space. I share a space with someone, but they only work in the office half day. That means every day, I get a half day of the door closed, lights off, music up, stress-reducing zone! It's a nice thing to have!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Well, I'm settled in my new space at work, and it is refreshing that I don't have to wear sweaters any longer when it is 100+ degrees outside!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Peter Murphy Video!


Tuesday Funny...Dancing Man!

This made me chuckle!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Seriously Tired Of Being Cold

I have busted my tail to make my thyroid healthier, but I still sit freezing most of my day. Why? Because my office is so freaking cold! Why must they keep it this cold, I have to ask? Does this constitute a hostile work environment? I spend my whole day shivering. It is sad when the A/C is out on my car, it is 100 degrees outside, and I have to be 20 miles down the road on the way home before I even start to sweat, because at that point I'm finally thawed out!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Tat!

I got my first (and probably last) tattoo yesterday. Now, I say probably last, but not in a bad way. I mean, really, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. I was really surprised. No, I just had one particular thing I wanted...something that had meaning to me, and that is what I got done. That is the only reason it will probably be my only tattoo...the experience was great. I could change my mind, and if I do, I will surely go back to the same person.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Okay, I Needed This Today!

Not my kind of music, but a friend of mine shared, and I can so relate this little clip.

Friday, June 10, 2011

New Things

In my striving to eat healthier, I have discovered some new foods that I hadn't tried before. For me yesterday, this discovery was black rice...yummy I do have to say...and so good for you! I found out there are as many antioxidants, if not more, in black rice than blueberries (and note, the SAME antioxidants...what helps give the rice it's color). This whole eating healthier, more natural food is getting easier all the time. I didn't know there were so many tasty things out there that were good for me!

Getting ready for the office move. Have all of my stuff packed per orders, but now I'm stuck in a dull, cold, and dreary office! This will surely make the days long.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Little More Than Usual blogging a little more than usual these days. It's an outlet, I tell you!!! LOL

Office Move = Packing...and I H.A.T.E. packing!!! Even worse, we can't move our personal stuff from one office to the all has to go home this week. This is a bit depressing, because after that, I will still have to be in THIS office for a full week, and a week without my decorations and toys is quite the depressing thought. Not to mention, I have quite a bit of "personal" stuff. I'm trying to save my greatest treasures for last, as to be able to spend more time with these things around me to help me through the work day. They really do change the mood...otherwise, this place would be so dull and dreary. I really hope I will be able to bring these treasures back with me in the new office, or else I may go mad!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Vacation Is Booked!!!

Only problem is, that it isn't until January! UGH! Trying to figure out what to do with the overabundance of leave I have to use THIS year. I really need to take some "sanity" time this summer...when I don't have to get up and drive anyone to school and can just roll back over and go to sleep after my dear hubby leaves for work. Going to try to take some time next month, as it was already requested before my husband switched jobs, and we thought he was going to be forced off that week.

So, with the vacation booked, today is the first official day of what we will affectionately call "The Cruise Diet"! Seven months to lose 15 lbs, get toned, get my metabolism back into tip-top shape, etc. I have a diet buddy this time...and seems my poor husband is going to get stuck in this thing with us. He doesn't seem too happy about it, but I think he will feel all the better once it is done. :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

iPhone Picture Post

This was a great shot I caught with my iPhone when we went to Six Flags last month.

Going Mobile?

So, I found this app that I'm trying out to see if it will work for me to update this blog.

Today was a good day! I purchased some more equipment for my camera, got my hair done, and found a couple of cute shirts and an great scarf. Fun stuff!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Back To The Gym!

I've been to the gym on and off in past weeks, but after today, pretty sure I can get back into it full speed ahead. This is usually the case at the beginning of the summer, and usually when I see the greatest results. With kids out of school, there are fewer days of working from home in order to make it to their various activities and such. Life in general just slows down a bit come summer. Maybe THIS summer I can finally get down to my final goal! I've changed to a mostly organic diet after finding out the horrors of our food industry and what it has been doing to me. I'd become hypothyroid, estrogen dominant and this sure screws with one's ability to lose weight! I have since started taking steps to correct these problems, which are partially hereditary, but greatly exaggerated by bad things I've allowed into my body over the years! The plan I currently follow:

- Mostly organic...making sure to AVOID anything with BHT, MSG, HFC, and the likes. Lots of lean meat, fish, fruits, and veggies.

- Gluten free...since discovering that I'm intolerant, I try to avoid most, if not all, forms of wheat and gluten.

- NO soft drinks...loaded with extra sodium and all kinds of chemical sweeteners, I'll stick to water and unsweetened tea. I've done well to adjust...haven't had a soft drink in months, and tea is full of antioxidants!

- Avoid plastics numbers 1, 3, 6, and 7. These can leach chemicals, including excess estrogens, into your food and drink. If water is even bottled in one of these, I will not buy it. I've typically been sticking with #5.

- Extra spinach and broccoli...these are estrogen metabolizers.

- Using a natural progesterone cream.

- Exercise...get up and get moving!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Hate Trying To Lose Weight!

Weight loss journeys have always sucked! Years ago, I was much heavier...200 lbs! I've managed to lose about 50 lbs, and have done pretty well to keep it off. However, I continue to struggle with that last 15 lbs, and the toning of my abs. I resolve today to get my butt in gear! "The Cruise Diet" is what we are calling it...our next cruise will be in January, so that gives me 7 months to lose the 15 lbs and get ripped...right?

I'm hoping to have better luck. I have discovered some things about myself the last couple of months. I always knew hormones were a problem for me, but with much research, I've been able to identify what my actual problems are, and have taken steps to correct them. I've gone mostly organic with my food choices. I've gotten rid of sodas completely. I'm trying my best to stay away from chemicals that are known to mess with hormones and taken other steps to try to re-balance myself. I'm thinking positively! Getting in motion! Now, to figure out where to break out my 5 lb hula hoop to start toning up that mid-section...

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Photo Works

We had a day out recently, and I was able to put into practice some new techniques I learned.

May favorite thing about this picture is that there is a chain-linked fence between me and the bobcat, but with just a few settings, the fence disappears!

This is one of my new favorites...a play on light to get a beautiful effect.

My Old Favorite...Back To Their Old Ways!

I for one and so happy that Duran Duran went back to their old sound! I didn't think "Red Carpet Massacre" was bad...just wasn't was Timberland. I can't wait to get the new music!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Get Off My Back!!!

I'm so tired of being stressed and getting yelled at for things that are NOT my fault and that I have no control over. I am NOT going to take the fall for other people, especially for people who show me no respect what-so-ever! Just because someone is yelling at you, does not give you the right to yell at me! I'm not the "fall guy"! If I am truly at fault, I will fess up to it and take my lumps, but I am tired of taking lumps for other's shortcomings!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Change In Strategy!

Making some strategic changes to current plans after gaining some very valuable information. I am hoping these new strategies pan out!!!

In the mean time...things are crazy busy!!! I really need a vacation, but my next real vacation isn't planned until January 2012! That is too far away. Must find a way to utilize some of the time I currently have available to me until then.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Is Up With The Weather?

On Sunday, we are out doing a bit of shopping after church...wasting some time. When we go into the mall, it was in the 90's, and the mall was really warm. We had to stop at the food court for some big drinks because it was so warm. The lady at the food court was sharing with us that to save money, they don't even turn on the A/C in the mall until right about time the stores open (which on this day was noon), and that it takes forever to cool off the place. The people who work there usually have to show up an hour and a half to two hours before the stores open. When we leave, we are all feeling warm...sweating a little. We walk outside, and it has dropped 30+ degrees since we entered the building!!!! WHAT?

Yesterday was in the low 50's all day. Today is supposed to be warmer, but it is still only about 59 degrees right now. This crazy weather is messing with me head really doesn't like drastic weather changes like this!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ruined Conversations

Don't you just hate when you are having a good debate with someone on a forum, and someone with few facts, and plenty of hateful comments, causes the thread to be closed by forum administrators? Too many times this happens to me, and it is annoying. I've had some really good debates with some people...sure, being on different sides of the issue, but because we have a mutual respect for others' opinions, we stick to the facts as we know them without dishing out any kind of digs at each other or resorting to any kind of hate. It seems like EVERY TIME, some person starts attacking me or one of the other people involved in the debate...or even just starts dishing out hateful comments, and the whole thread gets shut down. You can't even finish your debate, because if you start up a new thread, sure enough that one will get shut down, as well, because the topic is too heated for you you just have to leave it alone, and never really get to finish your debate. It's just so annoying!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Came across this picture today, and instantly fell in love with it!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Found This Too Funny!!!

IM Etiquette Rules At Work

I have to rant a little on this topic today, because I encounter on a daily basis people who do not use proper etiquette with regards to IM'ing withing the offi

1. Pay attention to the availability status of the person you wish to message. Every program used for IM has an indicator to let others know if the person is available for IM or not. If I set mine to away, do not disturb, or offline, that means I'm not available. I hate when people ping me with, "Are you there?" when my IM status clearly states that I'm not!

2. Keep it brief, and respond quickly. In the office, people are busy doing their jobs. If you ping me with, "Do you have a moment for a quick question?", I shouldn't have to wait 10-15 minutes for the other person to get around to typing their question when I IMMEDIATELY reply that I can entertain a quick question. I have things I need to do, besides staring at my IM.

3. Don't use IM to replace emails. If you have some long set of instructions for someone, a long explanation about an issue, etc., put it in an email! This not only allows the person to read it all at once without having to pause and wait for you to finish typing, it also gives them something they can save as a point of reference.

4. Use proper word and sentence structure whenever possible...eliminate shortened words like "pls" for please, etc. In this day and age, many companies have employes form many different cultures or backgrounds...even others have offices over-seas. The person you are talking to may not know these common U.S. abbreviations. Even if you are talking to someone that you are sure knows their meanings, it just isn't professional.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Winds Of Change?

I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Certain issues may be a thing of the past. I am looking forward to the possible new journey ahead of me!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29, 2011 Song Addiction

Forgot all about this song, until it came on my Pandora today. Now, it is truly stuck in my head (pun intended).

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quote Of The Day...And Various Musings

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." ~ Herm Albright

That know it is too cold in your office when you heat your gluten-free, all natural pizza in the toaster oven and it gets cold again before you can even finish eating it!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Do Some People Get Their Driver's License?!?!?!

So yesterday, I'm nearly taken out by someone darting across 3 lanes of traffic coming off of the freeway off-ramp (mind you, I was in the far right lane furthest away from the off ramp).  If it wasn't for the driveway, I would have been less a car!  I seriously missed this idiot by about an inch, maybe less, as I carefully watched his front end in my side window.

Then, today...the TWO far left lanes enter the freeway.  Dude was in the right-most of these two lanes, I was in the left.  He turns on his turn signal and immediately starts to move over, with me still in his way!  I lay on the horn, and he just keeps coming over, giving me jesters that he NEEDS to be in that lane.  He seriously expected me to hit my brakes to make room for him, risking getting hit from behind by the person riding my rear!  After he maneuvers in front of me, he keeps jestering that he NEEDED in that lane, as I jester that both lanes enter the freeway.  He gets on the freeway, and darts straight over to the far left lane, as I stay in my lane knowing that in just a few miles, I will need to exit again, and that traffic will be very backed up just ahead making it more difficult to move back over.

I am really getting tired of the "entitlement" attitude people have while driving, but it seems to be par with their attitude about everything else.  What is wrong with planning ahead, be courteous, and most of all, making decisions that are safe?  If you have to get back off the freeway because you couldn't merge into traffic before the lane turned to an off-ramp...oh well!  The frontage road goes IN THE SAME DIRECTION!  If you can't get on the freeway, because heavy traffic is not letting you to the on-ramp, the frontage road goes IN THE SAME DIRECTION, and the freeway is backed up anyway!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Okay, so when I first heard about Pandora radio, I checked it out and wasn't very impressed...I will admit.  However, over the last few weeks, I have found myself listening to it more and more.  This service has greatly improved since my initial introduction to it.  I still try to figure out why it seems to think that the Beatles belong in the middle of my 80's punk and new wave mix, but oh well.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Latest Song Addiction

Time, and Procrastination

People around me these days seem to be plagued with "Work Avoidance Syndrome" the very least, they like to procrastinate and then I'm left having to pick up the pieces for the ball which was dropped by someone else...taking all the heat if I cannot get it done in the very short amount of time allotted to me.  So to these people, I leave this thought:

"Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it." ~ M. Scott Peck

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This About Sums Up My Day!

"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life." ~ Frank Zappa

Please Pray For The World!

So much going on today...tragedy in New Zealand...uprising all over the Middle East!  Please pray today for all those affected.  Pray that God's Kingdom be known on earth!  Pray for His hand of protection, His hand of comfort, His hand of justice!  Be nice to someone today!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Must Find My Calm...

...before I strangle someone!  Definition of stress:

STRESS: the confusion caused when the mind over-rides the body's basic desire to strangle the tar out of someone who so desperately deserves it!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Season of Promises and Promotion!

God is saying that this is a season of promises and promotion!  He wants us to see ourselves as He sees us.  He wants us to be the person He created us to be!  I must hold onto this as I look to the light shining on the horizon.  I see a glimmer of hope!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There Is A Light On The Horizon...

...and that is all I'm going to say until I know more.  All I know, it feels like a God thing!  I have a good feeling that something will soon come to pass for the better!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dr. Seuss Quote Of The Day

"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" - Dr. Seuss