Thursday, June 30, 2011

Does Our Food Supply Make Us Sick?

This is a question I've been pondering as of late. Since changing my diet to contain mostly organic foods and meat from grass-fed/free-roaming animals, I have noticed a significant change in my health. I haven't suffered from allergies when everyone else around me is dying; I haven't used my asthma inhaler in two months; I hardly have any headaches any more (an occasional head "annoyance" as I like to call them, but nothing that impairs my function). Overall, I feel better! I didn't change the actual foods I was eating...basically still the same amounts of starches, fruits and veggies, lean meats. The only thing I've changed is how they were processed or grown.

Years ago, my dad chose a vegetarian diet after reading about all the hormones and stuff which were being pumped into our livestock to produce a cheaper food supply. Back then, free-range and grass-fed were not as affordable and available as they are now (yes, they are still more expensive meats, but as bad in comparison as years ago). He is now nearly 70, doesn't have any pill bottles sitting by his bedside, and out-hike most of us! He used to not be able to enter a house where a cat may have been without his allergies going in full force, and these days he can sit with one on his lap. He grows whatever he can, and carefully selects those things he can't. He is in GREAT health for a man his age!

Which leads me to think...our food supply IS making us sick! All the added sugar, high fructose corn syrup (which is bad in that it aids in obesity), MSG, BHT, BHA, added sodium, and all of this other junk that we cannot even pronounce that is supposedly there to preserve our food and make it taste better! Does it really make the food taste better? Truth is, whether you believe we were created by God, or we came from the earth...we were never meant to eat all of this manufactured and processed crap that litters the grocery store shelves every day! It is very hard to find food that isn't modified in some way. Even that which is supposed to be fresh meat is jacked up with hormones and antibiotics...not to mention that most are stored in some kind of "juice" to help preserve it. You see things like "BHA added to enhance flavor" on the packaging for lunch meat and breakfast sausage. Is this stuff really needed?

I bought some ketchup for the house...all NATURAL ingredients...not HFC or anything like that. After my son had been using it for a week, I asked him what he thought about the ketchup. He said, "It's tastes like ketchup." I then revealed to him that I bought ketchup without all the added junk that was in his old ketchup, and then asked, "So do YOU think all that extra stuff is needed?" His response was, "Guess not."

So, I guess I will continue on my journey, and pray that some day, the food and drug industries will quit trying to poison the population for a quick buck!