Monday, August 31, 2009


Yeah...I know...I didn't spell it right.  I spelled it the way I feel about it!  At least it is kind of a short week for me.  I'm taking off Friday to veg out for my birthday (okay, I probably will not veg...I'll go to the gym, do an extra long workout, get my tires balanced and rotated, etc.).  However, I'm still working 5 days this week and next week, because I'm working the day shift from home this weekend (grrr)!  No 4-day weekend for me, right?

That's okay.  My MUCH NEEDED vacation is only 27 days away!  7 days away from all phones and computers with my husband and one of my really good friends (she and her husband tipped us off to the deal and thought it would be cool if we all went).  We should have loads of fun!!  I so need a real vacation where I don't even have to think about the world!