Monday, August 31, 2009

Sketching Supplies!!!

I decided I needed to get out of the office today for lunch (instead of my usual work through), and went to the art supply store.  I was looking for my graphite pencily yesterday, and could not find it.  It will probably show up at some point.  I really loved that pencil....nice and heavy.

Anyway, I bought some more woodless graphite pencils, a small sketch pad (the one I was using was just a note pad with ruled paper), an eraser, some smudgers...I'm all set to go!  Now, just to make time to sketch!


Yeah...I know...I didn't spell it right.  I spelled it the way I feel about it!  At least it is kind of a short week for me.  I'm taking off Friday to veg out for my birthday (okay, I probably will not veg...I'll go to the gym, do an extra long workout, get my tires balanced and rotated, etc.).  However, I'm still working 5 days this week and next week, because I'm working the day shift from home this weekend (grrr)!  No 4-day weekend for me, right?

That's okay.  My MUCH NEEDED vacation is only 27 days away!  7 days away from all phones and computers with my husband and one of my really good friends (she and her husband tipped us off to the deal and thought it would be cool if we all went).  We should have loads of fun!!  I so need a real vacation where I don't even have to think about the world!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Finally Figured It Out!!

When my husband and I went to San Francisco earlier this year, we saw someone who we knew was a famous actor getting on to our flight...we recognized him...but neither my husband nor I could remember where we knew him from or what his name was. Of course, I didn't want to be THAT person to go up to him and ask him who on earth it was.  It bugged me the whole flight, and has been bugging me ever since! 

Well, today, I was flipping through the channels, and suddenly there he was on the screen!  It was a quick glimpse, so I watched the movie a bit more to make sure.  It was definitely him!  I looked up the movie and figured out that it was Peter Coyote.  I looked up his bio on the web, and sure enough, he lived in the San Francisco area.  I then looked at his list of credits and finally figured out where I knew him from, as he had been in both E.T. and The Legend of Billy Jean...both movies I have seen more than once. less thing to bug me!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Quiet Day At The Office

I'm the only one from my team that is even here...which makes it a good thing that there are very few tickets coming in, and those that are coming in are easy, quick fixes! 

I did another sketch today.  My hand is feeling more like it did when I sketched before...seems I may be reviving that part of my brain or something that I let go dormant.  They do say that art and music open pathways in the brain that otherwise do not get used.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gone Mobile!

Okay...let's see if this works. I just set up my blog to go mobile.

Well, staying true to my goal, I have a journal handy, now. Tried to do some sketching earlier and realized I definitely need to get my hand back into practice! The pictures just don't flow like they used to. It will come back with practice. Think I'll dig out my old practice sheets from art class (yes, I still have those) and start from there.

UPDATE: Okay, so mobile worked, but didn't put a title on my post.  Guess it is good for what it is.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Finally...a breather!

I finally finished all of my work for today. Was a little unnerving when every time I think I'm just about finished, more urgent stuff comes in! However, I'm actually going home with an empty plate! YIPPIE!!!! The first time this week. For some reason I hate leaving anything undone. Just bugs me! I don't know why...guess I'm a bit of a perfectionist, which luckily hasn't made me the biggest procrastinator in the world (when you are a perfectionist, it either has to be done perfect or not at all, so you tend to put it off until you feel you can do it perfect).

Anyway...finished the updates to my blog. I'm pretty proud of myself! I think I did a pretty good job! And yes, the picture is me. I took a picture with my laptop webcam, and then played with a site called Does some really cool things to pictures you upload...all kinds of effects. Best yet, it is FREE!!! I like free stuff! You should check it out.

Another One Of THOSE Days!

Tons of work, everything needing to be done ASAP, etc. I'm getting really tired of these kinds of days!

Working on my blog yesterday got me thinking...I need to get back to some of the things I love! Sure...spending time with my family (especially my dear husband) on the top of the list. However, I also want to get back into those things I so enjoyed in my youth...sketching (I'll have to post some of my drawings at some point), playing (and even writing) music, reading, etc. I need more time for me! I let work take too much out of my life, and I need to find a way to say enough is enough...I'm going to spend some quality, low stress time doing what I enjoy! This is going to be my goal the next month...getting these things back in my life.

On that note, I leave you with Pauley Perrette's video for her song "Fear". I do have to say, that she has made her way to the top of my favorite actors/actresses list!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When Things Don't Work...

...I really get frustrated!

The folks who provide our ticketing system at work did an upgrade this weekend. Ever since the upgrade, things have been dog slow, or I keep getting an error page (it is web based). This not only slows down my work, but frustrates the tar out of me!!! We told them yesterday of the problems, and they supposedly had them fixed. However, again today, I'm plagued with error screens every other thing I do!

Redesign!!! And random musings....

I'm getting pretty good at this stuff...changing the format of my blog, that is. Still not perfect, but a far cry from the "template" I used to get started, and definitely a bit more "me", if you know what I mean. I still have some work to do, but I think it is really shaping up. Who would guess that I don't know HTML...LOL. I simply Google what I need to do when I need to do it, and figure out where to put it in the code. Now, it may help that I do have programming skills, and HTML is simply another programming language. You just have to learn how to follow the code.

Now, for my random musing of the day....

Why is it that people sit and wait for a front door parking spot at the gym when there are other parking spaces available? I thought people went to the gym to exercise! Guess they don't want to over exert themselves before their workout by having to walk from there car!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Can't Believe I Got It All Done!!

Took up most of my weekend, and most of my morning today, but I got all of that extra work done! I had a really big task that I couldn't complete until someone else did their part, and the due date was end of business today!! Well, the other part wasn't completed until Friday morning (when it was supposed to be done a week earlier), so I couldn't even start my part until then. Had I not worked through the weekend, the task would have never gotten done on time, but I managed to get everything done with a little time to spare!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


...on the weekend of all things! Grrrr!!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Stupid People!!

Stupid people have already messed up my day and aggravated me! They are everywhere, and they have drivers' licenses! How do they get them? Between the lady shaking her head at me in the gym parking lot when I was going too slow to matter, and she was going down the wrong way, to the guy who tried to take my front end off at the gas station because he thought he could fit between my car and a delivery truck around a corner while towing a boat, I really wonder!

Oh well, hope no one further aggravates me today.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Enough Said!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Too Cute

I saw this cat on TV this morning, and laughed my butt off it was so cute! Maybe it's just my love for cats, but you have to see this!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When People Cannot Admit Fault

I just love when people drop the ball, and can't admit to it! They try to blame everything from other people to processes...just admit that you goofed and be done with it already! I just have to laugh!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Can't People Provide All Info Up Front?

Don't you just love it when people do not provide all the information you need up front to perform a task or troubleshoot a problem?  I've been dealing with this problem all day!!  Please...I beg you...give me everything up front so that I don't have to keep redoing work that should be fixed the first time you request it!

I know I posted it last week, but today really deserves to have the ultimate "GRRRR" picture reposted, because that is how I feel today! I'm sick...I'm in pain...and I can't fix stupid!!!

Figured Out What Was Making Me Sick

I was thinking yesterday about what could possibly be making me sick. I started backtracking the last month, and noticing that every time I went to the office when I was sick the first time, I got worse....felt great the week I didn't go into the office due to my son's football practice, and then got sick again when I went back to the office after being well for a week. It had to be something in the office, but what? It then hit me, I'm highly allergic to mold, and you are always hearing about mold in houses and buildings and such. So, when I went into work yesterday, I emailed the boss and started the process of having him get with building management to check the air quality. I then made an appointment with the doctor to get more meds, as I was again to the point of terrible sinus and ear pain.

Well, after I left the office, the building folks came in and did some air quality tests and checked things out. Turns out there were some plants in our area sitting in water and mold!! I stayed home today, and the boss just notified me of what they found, and told me to stay at home until they get things cleaned up. They have removed the plants, but building management is going to come in and do some spraying that is supposed to kill any mold spores that may have escaped.

I'm so glad the thought came to me about the mold and I said something. Otherwise, this would have been an ongoing thing, and I'm so tired of being sick!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sick Again?!?!

I just got through taking a full round of antibiotics a week ago, and was feeling pretty good. Now, all of a sudden this weekend, all of my symptoms are coming back...sore throat, ear ache, etc. What's up with this?!?!?!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Not starting out much better today!

Looks like it is going to be another "GRRR!" day! Already people are making me crazy, and it isn't even 10:00 a.m. yet!! I really need a vacation! Here's my "don't mess with me" picture (can you tell I like cats...yes, I'm very much a cat person...I have 5 of them)!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Yep....grrrrr! That about describes how I feel about work today. Nuf said!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Too Much To Do!!

I hate being overloaded at work! It's either one of two modes: nothing to do or overwhelmed! Unfortunately, the overwhelmed days outnumber the nothing to do days...why can't folks just spread the work out?

Monday, August 3, 2009