Monday, January 29, 2018

Your argument is invalid

After last week, the gun debate has come up again. I just got finished reading AGAIN an argument that pointed how many motor vehicle deaths occur each year, and if we use the argument the anti-gun folks use, we should ban all motor vehicles.

Now, I’m not anti-gun...I’m pro-better-regulation. All you need to do is read previous blogs to see what my proposals are.

That said...

Motor vehicles are REQUIRED to be registered by all owners with their respective states, and if you move, you must re-register. In addition, all motor vehicles are REQUIRED to be inspected once a year to determine if they are safe and legal for the illegal mods. Some states have even taken the extra step to require a passing inspection before annual renewal of registration can be completed. Drivers of said motor vehicles are REQUIRED to obtain a license (requiring education and testing) and insurance to operate said motor vehicle. In other words, the state knows who all the licensed drivers are, all the motor vehicles on the road, and who the owners and licensed operators of those motor vehicles are!!

Can the same be said about guns?! The answer is NO, and until guns are as regulated as motor vehicles, your argument is invalid. We all know that gun owners would never agree to such regulations. If such regulations ever are put in place, then we can discuss comparing them to motor vehicles as deadly weapons!