I see all these people screaming that DACA recipients broke the law, and they shouldn't receive protections to stay in this country. How does a child break the law because of the actions of their parents? I'm sure we all remember in our childhood our parents determined where we lived. Some probably lived in the exact same place...house even...their entire childhood, and probably wished at times they could move. Some of us move more than we would have liked to...sometimes being at the completely wrong time...and wish we had had some say in the matter. But truth is, until we were old enough to legally leave the nest, we had no say in the matter. Where our parents lived, we lived...and it didn't matter the reason why.
In the same token, many of us had very little say about what we ate or how we dressed as kids. It was our parents' responsibility to provide for us, and we weren't to question how that was done. Keeping that in mind, think about this scenario. Say a parent...for whatever reason...steals food and clothing for their child. Now, receiving stolen property is also a crime. So are we saying that if the child eats that food or wears those clothes, knowing or not that their parents stole the goods, that the child should also go to jail for the crimes of their parents? Remember, again, that the child is fully dependent on the parent, and really doesn't have any say in how the parent obtains the things the child needs! I think most would agree that the child not be sent to jail for the crimes of the parent. However, that is EXACTLY what people are saying about these DACA recipients!
Did their parents break the law by not going to through proper channels to enter this country? Yes. Should the child who came here against their will, and grew up here knowing only the United States of America as their home be forced to go back to a country they do not know, and may not even know the language? NO! DACA recipients are law-biding citizens...they have to be to retain their status! They have to meet a stricter set of rules to live here than we do, the whole while being denied the many benefits we have access to. They do not qualify for food stamps, medical programs, unemployment programs, social security, etc. They DO have taxes taken out of their pay checks and do not get to take advantage of the many credits citizens can claim come the end of the tax year to get a refund, in essence causing them to pay at a higher rate than most Americans in the same tax bracket. They do not have a path to citizenship...if they did, most would have already taken that path. They speak the language fluently (one of the things people scream that everyone in 'Merica needs to do), they work rather than collect welfare (there are quite a few 'Mericans who cannot say that), and they don't get in trouble with the law. I mean, tell me how these people really are a threat to national security again?