Thursday, January 18, 2018

Who will fill those jobs?

I have to ask this question...all of these people who scream that these undocumented immigrants drain the economy and steal jobs, need to answer honestly...if by some chance, ALL undocumented immigrants were round up and deported tomorrow, how many of the currently 6.6 million estimated unemployed Americans will immediately step into these jobs?! Keep in mind, there are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants, with an estimated 8.2 million of those in the work force. Before you scream that this leave some nearly 3 million that are contributing nothing and collecting welfare (which I have had to say over and over and over....without a valid SSN, you cannot get welfare), keep in mind that there are many workers who bring their families. In many of these families are multiple children, and often a wife that doesn't work. Also, like even American families, there may be an elderly parent that was brought over, because it wasn't believed they could care for themselves back in their country of they live with their son or daughter here, while said son or daughter works.

Now, back to the original question...if 8.2 million jobs were vacated tomorrow in mass deportations, how many of the 6.6 million unemployed Americans would jump to fill those positions? Keep in mind we are talking crap jobs!! We are talking people who work in fields manually picking crops that are too delicate to use machines to harvest (such as tomatoes, grapes, etc.) and such. We are talking janitorial and maid jobs that are required to keep businesses clean, or to provide those important maid services in the many, many, many hotels and resorts we have in this country. We are talking ditch diggers who dig miles and miles of total ditch each day to accommodate things such as sewer lines from new home and business construction, or who work with plumbers on existing lines that are having issue (these are the worse, because they have to dig up blocked lines, and thus literally find themselves knee deep in shit). How many of the 6.6. million unemployed would jump at these jobs, even for minimum wage? I mean, minimum wage is better than no wage, right? Or, wait, is it not better than the total of their welfare benefits which would be lowered or dropped if they worked, so they hold out for higher paying jobs? How many of those 6.6 million unemployed Americans view these crap jobs that undocumented immigrants are currently doing as beneath them? Personally, I only estimate that 20% would actually jump to these jobs should all undocumented workers be deported tomorrow! That is only about 1.3 million people. That would leave us a shortage of 6.9 million workers needed to fill all the positions vacated by deported undocumented immigrants! Even IF all 6.6 million unemployed Americans jumped to fill these jobs, that is still a shortage of 1.6 million workers.

Given the numbers above, how do you think this would effect the US economy? If an estimated 1.3 million Americans jump into 8.2 million jobs vacated by undocumented immigrants, what will the shortage of labor do to our economy? These are jobs that most people don't even think about, but depend upon! These crap jobs are things that people don't recognize as being contributions to this country, but they are! "But we need doctors, and scientists, and engineers!" Okay, who maintains the facilities these people work at? I mean, we all demand clean bathrooms and such. We expect someone to empty our desk trash daily, and to clean the break room microwave! We expect the grounds of our work places to be nice and tidy...perfectly landscaped entry and common areas! What about our homes? Do we not expect that water come to our faucets and waste move away from our homes? Chances are it was an immigrant of legal or illegal status who dug the ditches for those lines! Do we not expect our trash to be picked up and carried away? When we go on vacation, isn't one of our measures for where we go how clean the place is? Do we not rate hotels and resorts based on their level of service? Do you not realize that there is a high chance that it was an immigrant who made sure your room was ready for your arrival, and who picked up your towels and cleaned your beard hairs off of the sink while you stayed? An immigrant who comes to unclog your room toilet when all that food you eat on vacation causes you to clog up the toilet?

But people really think that Americans who were raised to believe that they are better than everyone else will stoop as low as to do these crap jobs! Just think about how the people who do those jobs are looked at by most people in this country!!! But yet, they are still jobs that must be that we REQUIRE. These are jobs that help make this country the place it is...a place people want to visit...or at least used to before our POTUS started spewing things out of his mouth and on his Twitter! These are the jobs that keep our country from being the "shithole" that our POTUS claims other countries are! But no...the people who do these jobs aren't seen as real contributors! They are often treated like crap!! I know this, because my daughter, A NATURAL BORN AMERICAN, was one of the few who saw this work as being something better than no work at all! She worked two jobs as a maid for years until she could get into a place where she could go to school...not collecting a penny of welfare along the way! This is a person who has a disability...she is hearing impaired...and thus has to work 20x harder than most people to make it in this world. The things she used to tell me when she worked as a sickened me! I hated seeing my daughter work that kind of job, but at the same time was proud of her, because she didn't see herself so high and mighty to not be willing to do whatever work she could find...even if it wasn't glamorous!  And from the stories she has people are some nasty people...some of the dirtiest people in this country!! My guess is that they have gotten spoiled always having someone to clean up after them!

Do I believe we have a problem with illegal immigration? Yes. Do I believe this was Obama's fault? Oh hell no! And I'm not saying that as an Obama supporter...I'm saying that as someone who has common sense. When you have undocumented immigrants that have been in this country for 10, 20, 30 years...that shows that this has been a problem across presidencies for some time, because at some point this country stopped enforcing their own immigration laws, and now things are out of control! 40% of undocumented immigrants came here legally on visas, and overstayed said visas? How does that happen? Do we not keep track of people who we let in our country? Do we not require employers to report on people who they bring in on work visas, and force those people to leave when at the point said employers let them go? That also brings to question...why do we have to bring in so many on work visas, when we supposedly have all these Americans needing jobs? Oh wait, that is right...these are jobs that they either don't want to do, or lack the education and skills to do (but again, these jobs were stolen from them)!

Like it or not, immigrants are a big reason that the economy in this country has been on the it legal or illegal!  If we shipped out the undocumented immigrants tomorrow, I can promise you that we would see a spike in inflation. Americans are quick to complain about how these employers hire "illegals" because they can pay them crap wages, but it is the payment of those crap wages that keep prices where they are. The moment these same employers have to pay harvesters, janitorial and maid, ditch diggers, and other people doing crap jobs the minimum wage PLUS payroll taxes and workers comp, prices will spike! What will that do to the economy? Add to that the fact that not as much product can get to market in a timely manner due to shortage of people and the fact that these employers would no longer be able to work Americans as slave labor, that will also drive up prices. Am I saying it is right that these undocumented workers are treated as modern-day slaves? NO!! I'm merely pointing out that this is what many of them are...willing modern-day slaves...and I say willing, because they come here of their own accord to do this work, because it is a way to send money...ANY MONEY...home to their hungry families who are being crapped on by their own governments! Yes, it is wrong that these people work for crap wages in terrible conditions! I find it completely ironic that the very people who want these undocumented immigrants gone, are the same people who defend "the South's" use of slaves back in the day!

I feel like I'm just rambling on now, so I'm going to close this out. You want these "illegal" immigrants gone, but I can promise you that you will not like the results if you get your wish!