How can anyone with a brain even entertain the idea that a border wall is a good idea? Aren't there other things we could be earmarking said money for? I mean, for example...that tax cut for the rich that is going to cost us billions and has certain legislators calling social security an entitlement (IT'S NOT) and not thinking it is a big deal to take money from there to balance the budget? Or what about affordable healthcare?
Newsflash...all that border wall is going to be is an expensive conversation piece, if it is ever built! This isn't the Medieval times of walls and moats. This is the 21st century...the time of underground tunnels (yup, right under that wall), drones, cargo containers on ships, trailers on semi-trucks, paid off border patrol agents, etc. The cartels are laughing at us and our idea of a wall stopping them from pouring drugs into this country. The human traffickers are laughing as they load people into containers to be brought here on ships or in the back of they pay off agents to look the other way.
In the mean time, we have POTUS using this wall as a demand for a DACA deal...something that will help some 800,000 people who are CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS OF SOCIETY that were brought here as children without any say in the matter, who know nothing of the country from which they were born. Does he realize that if those 800,000 people pay at least $1000/year in taxes, that is some $800 mil in tax revenue? Yes...because DACA recipients are given social security numbers, pay taxes, and are not eligible for any kind of "entitlement" program. These people cannot get food stamps, cannot sign up for Obamacare insurance, and cannot get unemployment benefits. All the while, because THEIR PARENTS brought them here illegally, they have a very long and expensive process to even be considered for citizenship...a process that often involves them having to go back to their birth country (again, a place they don't even know) for a number of years before MAYBE being granted citizenship!
Don't get me wrong. I can agree we have a problem with undocumented immigrants in this country. People who are capable of making such decision to break the law to come into this country SHOULD be returned back to their country of origin. Immigrants, for the safety of this country, should be fully vetted. An expensive wall is not going to fix the issue!! What happens after this wall is built, and the issue is still there? It isn't like the wall can be returned for a full refund! Those of us with a brain and common sense know that a wall will do NOTHING!