I do however find it hilarious all the far right folks posting videos and calling out certain Democrats as being hypocrites, because of their stance now on DACA. Here is the thing...on one issue...Democrats have not changed their stance on illegal immigration in general, but they do understand the special circumstances for those previously protected under DACA! They understand that these are not the immigrants we need to be concerned with. Those under DACA protections have come forward, provided all of their information, have been issued social security numbers, pay taxes, work, go to school, know the English language fluently, are not criminals (because this will invalidate their protections...this we know), and some even serve in our military. They get that this group of people contribute AND are deserving of a path to citizenship, which current DACA protections do not offer. Realizing that a sub-set of a group of people is not being hypocritical, but being understanding of special circumstances that arise. Not everything in this world is black and white, cut and dry!
BUT, they do fail to point out the real hypocrite...the "master of the deal" himself. When the government shut down in 2013, Trump was quick to go into interviews and be super critical of Obama...the President at that time. Trump said that in ANY shutdown, ultimately the fault rests in the President. This is because the President is the leader and should be able to get people in a room talking things out. But....where has Trump been this entire weekend? Doesn't seem he has been getting people together, as there is no reports of him calling Republican and Democratic leaders to the White House...in a room...to hash out a deal. Nope...no one has heard from Trump all weekend. Well, we haven't heard from him since he blasted the Democrats for being at fault...deflecting from himself....Saturday morning!! Now, THAT is not a simple change in policy or being enlightened to a special set of circumstances. No...this is someone who is quick to say something to rile up a group of potential supporters, but then when it applies to him, he deflects and blames someone else. In other words, typical narcissistic behavior!