You already know how I feel about our gun laws. If you need a refresher:
How I Would Change Gun Laws
Have to Stay on This Gun Issue For Now
Your Argument is Invalid
I'm not going to rehash that all here. However, today I learned another very disturbing fact! It is LEGAL for an 18 year old to purchase a semi-automatic rifle! How is that possible?! Oh, because it falls under the category of "long gun". You have to be 21 to purchase a hand gun, but you can buy an AR at 18!! You have to be 21 to purchase alcohol, but you can buy a weapon that can quickly spit out 30 rounds at 18, and the ammo to go with it!
When you think about this, consider that the average age in this day that people are finally moving out of their parents' house is around 25! Reasons for this range from inability to support one's self financially to not being mentally prepared to be out on their own!! At 18, a person hasn't even had a chance to prove themselves mentally stable enough to own such a weapon! If they had done stupid stuff in their teen years, most of these records exist only in the schools, and if the law was involved, in many, MANY cases the records are expunged upon the person turning 18...blown off a childish bullshit. At 18, there is not enough "history" to determine if the person should or should not pass a background check!
So, add this to my list of changes to the gun laws...if you are going to maintain that semi-automatics remain legally available to the population, the law should be changed to make the minimum age of purchase AND/OR ownership no less than 30 years of age for said weapons. This should allow time for maturing and for any "cracks" in the person's mental status to start showing themselves on an official stage! We obviously had another case of someone who had obvious issues (just read about his disturbing social media posts), yet, he was allowed to legally buy a semi-automatic rifle! BRILLIANT!