Sheep...these are described as people who just blindly follow. I find that the Conservatives love to label Liberals as sheep. But really...who are the real sheep?!
Over the last week, I've watched as gun-supporting Conservatives have towed the party line! "Guns don't kill people, people kill people!" They keep saying nothing needs to change, without even considering any of the vast and various arguments that Liberals and Progressives have laid out before them. They are happy with the current law, and are holding fast to a 200 year old Amendment that they believe says they are allowed to own any and all guns they want, without any Amendment, mind you, that never took into consideration where we would be today.
That got me thinking...who are the real sheep? I then saw today that long time evangelist Billy Grahm passed away. I started to think about this whole "sheep" mentality thing. Now, I do believe in God...a Creator and higher power...I just don't believe in the Bible as written. Why? Because I don't just blindly follow things!! I like to ask questions when things just don't seem right, or I find contradictions. I understand that the scrolls were written by a man's hand, and that these same scrolls were transcribed and translated by other men, who were under the orders of even more men who had agendas! I question whether the Bible is the EXACT Word of God, because man has had so much involvement...and we all know that man is vulnerable to mistakes and bias. But, we have "flocks" they even call themselves in church...of Conservatives who swear by this book as the "true word" of God. They follow it BLINDLY, and criticize others for asking questions, especially if the answer could contradict the Word!
Many of these very same Conservatives backed very different candidates in the Presidential Primaries, stating all the various reasons (many being reasons that Liberals/Progressives are against Trump) why Trump was a terrible choice for President!! When he somehow managed to win the nomination? These very same people lined up behind him and his policy...again, like a flock...because he was the Republican candidate, and how could they ever vote outside of party! Even if they HATED Clinton, there were other choices...much less evil choices. They could have even banded together to write in their preferred Republican candidate, had they wished. But now...they, as if Trump were their shepherd, followed him blindly into the night! Even now, when he has shown himself for all the things we said he was...all those anti-Christian things...they still follow in support for "their President"!
So, I ask again...who are the sheep?