If I had say into gun laws, here is how I would change the laws:
1. REQUIRED FEDERAL REGISTRATION of ALL firearms. All sales should require that the seller register that the sale took place (which should include the name, address, and ID number of the person buying the firearm), and the buyer would then have 30 days from the date of sale to register the firearm. If the buyer does not register said firearm, fines and/or jail time could be ordered based on the length of the delay of registration, and how many notifications the buyer received for violation. Think this a violation of your privacy? Well, how is it that I'm required to register my car and my dog, but you aren't required to register your firearm?!
2. No ammo purchases should be allowed without valid registration for the firearm for which the ammo is being purchased. If the ammo does not fit the firearm registered to that person, they cannot buy it. If there are no firearms registered to the person attempting to make the ammo purchase, they cannot buy it!
3. If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness, this needs to be recorded in a central database, and no one with a diagnosed mental illness should be allowed to purchase a firearm.
4. There should be a stated limit to the number of firearms an individual can own. No one needs 42 firearms! Tops, a person should be allowed 5...handgun for personal protection, and 1-4 various for hunting or sport. Again, since registration will be required (see #1), a check in the database before the purchase is completed will show if a person has met their limit.
5. There should be a limit to the amount of ammo a person can purchase within a certain time frame, and large amounts should be flagged.
6. One should have to submit to a fingerprint background check with ALL gun purchases.
7. I should be illegal to buy or sell firearms or ammo on the internet. It should be required that all purchases be made in person, and that any required documentation filled out and ID checked for all firearm purchases.
8. AR and semi-automatic weapons should be outlawed for private citizens. There is no need for these weapons outside of our military and law enforcement!
These are just a few ideas I have. I'm not hearing about rights and such at this point. You should be lucky you even get to keep your firearms with recent events!