Thursday, February 21, 2013

Seeing As...

...I'm in the middle of a course so that I can get my personal trainer certification, this just made me giggle!

If your trainer is worth a grain of salt, don't argue with them...just do what they say! Most of us go through some crazy isn't all about learning a bunch of exercises and the food pyramid. We learn about anatomy, the body's systems (circulatory and respiratory), the effects of this food and that food on the body...we learn our stuff, okay! So please, if you are going to spend that money to hire a trainer (because we don't come cheap, and to tell the truth, most of us get less than 40% of what you actually pay the gym to hire us), and we are going to spend our time on you, just listen! I hired a trainer about a year and a half money I spent. I listened, I saw real results, and he has inspired me to do the same for others. If you aren't in it 100%, don't even bother with us, please. If you really want our help, we are here for you!