Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Costume Almost Complete!

I've decided that this year I will partake in some of the Halloween festivities at work by dressing up, and I've come up with the perfect costume!  Abby Scuito!  I mean, I have most of the stuff already in my normal every day wardrobe (just don't go full goth at work, for fear of folks looking at me very strange).  Only need a black wig (since my hair is red) and a lab coat!  Very simple!  Wonder how many people will actually figure it out, and how I will fair at the judging.  Hmmmmm.....I think I can pull it off!

Gotta love Pauley Perrette....she does such a great job with the character.  I also love her voice...hope she records more.  Love the song Fear that they used on NCIS last season!