I've seen several posts from different people today trying to point out that DACA in itself was illegal, because the President cannot write policy via Executive Order. Here is the problem I have with this argument...these Trump supporters claiming this are the same ones who cheered Trump's "travel ban" and various other Executive Orders that he has signed while in office! So, what they are really still saying is that Obama is their real problem!! Let us not forget that they also embraced many instances of what could be considered "policy by tweet", and whenever the left tried to point out that the President can't simply tweet something and make it policy, they were beat down by the conservative right and called "snowflakes" for being offended...assuring that the President was simply stating what he was planning on signing yet another Executive Order for.
See, I can say this because when Trump signed his "orders", I didn't go whining about the technicalities, but I attacked the meat of the issue and how that in itself was unconstitutional...regardless of if it is legal for the President to set policy via Executive Order or not! You want to argue an issue, stick to the issue. I love how the right has been playing the game of diverting from the issue itself by simply saying things like, "Well, it shouldn't have even been treated as policy anyway because of a technicality!" Come back with a well thought out, and FACT-based argument, and I will be more inclined to listen.
Bottom line...we should not be punishing these DREAMERS for the actions of their parents. It would be dangerous to these individuals to send them back to a country they don't even know. These people are not criminals, as it specifically states in the DACA requirements that they stay out of trouble with the law. These are people who know the language very well due to their American education (I mean, I keep hearing the "they need to learn OUR language" argument), they are graduating high school (again, another requirement), and they are moving on to college or the US military (yet another requirement). They have legit social security numbers, and they are paying taxes like everyone else. They are NOT eligible for welfare programs (though the right loves to throw that one out there that they are a drain on the tax payers), and economists have submitted reports that say if these people are deported, it will actually HURT the US economy! I feel confident in saying that for every DREAMER we have in the system, we have a natural born American out there who doesn't even contribute half to this country what their DREAMER counterpart does! I mean, this graph should tell you something!
That can't be right...we have some 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country! Oh, yeah, that's right...you can't get benefits if you are undocumented!! That is the whole definition of undocumented...meaning you don't have a number to be taxed, and if you don't have that tax ID number, YOU CAN'T GET BENEFITS!