I've seen this statement floating around again today with regards to our POTUS with the itchy Twitter finger. I think I may have stated this somewhere before, but I think several people need a little refresher in the math.
Of those who voted:
46.09% voted for Trump
48.18% voted for Clinton
5.73% voted other or 3rd party
Trump only won due to electoral college distribution. If the same 65+ million people who voted for Clinton were distributed through the country slightly different, we would have a different President.
It is estimated that 138.8 million Americans cast a ballot in the 2016 election. It is also estimated that there are 230.6 million Americans who make up the eligible voting population. This means that 91.8 million eligible voters, or 39.8% of the population did not even vote.
Seeing as about 63 million voters cast a ballot for Trump, that leaves 167.6 million eligible voters that did not. In other words, 72.6% of the people did NOT vote for Trump, and only 27.4% of the population cast a ballot in his favor.
So, no...AMERICA did not vote this man in as President...27.4% of the population did. Me? I'm one of the 72.6% who didn't! I didn't vote for Clinton, either...but I DID vote!