Thursday, September 7, 2017

I can't NOT address this!

I live in Texas, and as many know, we were recently hit with devastating Hurricane Harvey. I recall very well looking to see what our POTUS was going to say in reassurance or the like as this storm was making it's way to the Texas coast. What did Texas get? A thumbs up and "good luck" as POTUS boarded Marine One to head off to Camp David!!

Fast forward to now. Hurricane Irma is approaching the coast, and our POTUS is now saying how concerned he is about this storm days before it is to make land fall on US soil. Now, I'm posting this here, because I know many on my social media will get butt hurt by what I'm about to type, and will say that I'm only getting political in the face of our country facing another devastating storm. I can't help but wonder if the "concern" that POTUS suddenly has with Hurricane Irma has anything to do with the fact that POTUS has a property on St. Martin (one of the islands hit hard by this storm so far), and the storm appears to be making a bee-line for POTUS' treasured Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida!! I mean, I can't be the only one who has recognized this. "Oh, but he is concerned because we are still hurting after Hurricane Harvey!" I call BS on anyone who tries to feed me that!

Don't get me wrong...I'm sending any and all prayers I have to Florida in the Caribbean right now! I'm not trying to take away from the devastation and fear they are being faced with. In the same token, folks must understand how, as a Texan, this just royally pisses me off! I can't help feel that the sudden concern from POTUS with regards to approaching Hurricane Irma is directly linked to the fact that POTUS himself stands to be hit with great losses as a result of this storm...losses that will be more of an inconvenience to him and his corporations, and not the life altering devastation that will be faced by countless others! "Good luck" is easy to say when you aren't going to take a financial hit because your property is not is quite different when you have multi-million dollar properties in the path of such isn't it, Mr. President!