I've been to the gym on and off in past weeks, but after today, pretty sure I can get back into it full speed ahead. This is usually the case at the beginning of the summer, and usually when I see the greatest results. With kids out of school, there are fewer days of working from home in order to make it to their various activities and such. Life in general just slows down a bit come summer. Maybe THIS summer I can finally get down to my final goal! I've changed to a mostly organic diet after finding out the horrors of our food industry and what it has been doing to me. I'd become hypothyroid, estrogen dominant and this sure screws with one's ability to lose weight! I have since started taking steps to correct these problems, which are partially hereditary, but greatly exaggerated by bad things I've allowed into my body over the years! The plan I currently follow:
- Mostly organic...making sure to AVOID anything with BHT, MSG, HFC, and the likes. Lots of lean meat, fish, fruits, and veggies.
- Gluten free...since discovering that I'm intolerant, I try to avoid most, if not all, forms of wheat and gluten.
- NO soft drinks...loaded with extra sodium and all kinds of chemical sweeteners, I'll stick to water and unsweetened tea. I've done well to adjust...haven't had a soft drink in months, and tea is full of antioxidants!
- Avoid plastics numbers 1, 3, 6, and 7. These can leach chemicals, including excess estrogens, into your food and drink. If water is even bottled in one of these, I will not buy it. I've typically been sticking with #5.
- Extra spinach and broccoli...these are estrogen metabolizers.
- Using a natural progesterone cream.
- Exercise...get up and get moving!!