Weight loss journeys have always sucked! Years ago, I was much heavier...200 lbs! I've managed to lose about 50 lbs, and have done pretty well to keep it off. However, I continue to struggle with that last 15 lbs, and the toning of my abs. I resolve today to get my butt in gear! "The Cruise Diet" is what we are calling it...our next cruise will be in January, so that gives me 7 months to lose the 15 lbs and get ripped...right?
I'm hoping to have better luck. I have discovered some things about myself the last couple of months. I always knew hormones were a problem for me, but with much research, I've been able to identify what my actual problems are, and have taken steps to correct them. I've gone mostly organic with my food choices. I've gotten rid of sodas completely. I'm trying my best to stay away from chemicals that are known to mess with hormones and taken other steps to try to re-balance myself. I'm thinking positively! Getting in motion! Now, to figure out where to break out my 5 lb hula hoop to start toning up that mid-section...