Only problem is, that it isn't until January! UGH! Trying to figure out what to do with the overabundance of leave I have to use THIS year. I really need to take some "sanity" time this summer...when I don't have to get up and drive anyone to school and can just roll back over and go to sleep after my dear hubby leaves for work. Going to try to take some time next month, as it was already requested before my husband switched jobs, and we thought he was going to be forced off that week.
So, with the vacation booked, today is the first official day of what we will affectionately call "The Cruise Diet"! Seven months to lose 15 lbs, get toned, get my metabolism back into tip-top shape, etc. I have a diet buddy this time...and seems my poor husband is going to get stuck in this thing with us. He doesn't seem too happy about it, but I think he will feel all the better once it is done. :)