Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Responses I Wish Were Acceptable

"Have you ever heard of a little thing called PATIENCE?"

"Really? Every day? Don't you have anything better to do than bug me?"

"Um...hello?  Could you please verify that there IS a problem before sending the issue to me?"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stupidty Has Run Amok!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not Looking Any Better!

Got slammed with work the second I got to the office this morning, and still haven't gotten to have a break.  Sucks, because my husband wanted to go have lunch with me, but I can't even leave here to do that because I'm not at a good stopping point!  I'm feeling so burned out!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Not A Good Day!!!

I'm not having a good day today...not at all.  Lots of stress.  An urge to go into a room and scream at the top of my lungs.  The worst is people asking dumb questions today...stuff where the answer is right there in front of them, but it is like they are trying to get something different from me.  I have been interrupted numerous times with this kind of thing today.  I mean, if it says right in front of you in the ticket "All sites are to have the same name and url", why are you coming back and asking me if the requester asked for all sites to be the same name and url?  It says it plainly right there in the ticket!  If I respond that something is designed a specific way by development, and that is the way it is, why do you come back and ask ME if there is any way to work around it rather than asking the developers?  I just told you...this is the way it is!  If I knew of a work around, I would have told you!  Makes me want to ask all of them a very important question: "Do you have ANYTHING better to do than bug me, because I have way too much to do to sit here and entertain your stupid questions!"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blog Redesign Again

 I'm really happy with the latest redesign of my blog.  I think I'm getting a little better with manipulating the HTML code.  Was just too plain before, so I had to spruce it up a bit.

Flipping through channels today, I just realized that Danny Glover was in the movie "Saw".  Why?  I guess it was a pretty big movie, and he made some good money from it.  I just didn't expect someone with Danny's reputation to be in a movie like "Saw".

Speaking of movies...I so want to do a "Final Destination" marathon, though no one else in my house appreciates those movies the way I do.  LOL.  I'll have to find some weekend when I have the house to myself or something.

Did a little cleaning today.  Now, that my son has FINALLY moved his junk to the bigger bedroom, we can start thinking about using the spare room we have.  Part storage...part exercise room.  Maybe put a twin bed in there in case we have a guest for church or something.  I now have a whole closet to use for things like our Christmas decorations, so the Rubbermaids are just stacked in a corner somewhere.  We have a place to put the bikes so that they are not out in the middle of everything where everyone who comes in the house can see them.  It's kinda nice to have a spare room...something we never really had with 3 kids.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Candle Of The Lord

Lord, I am your candle
Gently flickering in the darkness
I may be small and shy
But this is far from weakness

My flame goes to and fro
As I dance a dance for you
My light shines brightly
The darkness I break through

Not wind nor rain will ever
Extinquish my burning flame
For I will live my life
Declaring your Holy name

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Natural Healing

Was thinking today, I would like to share of my natural remedies, seeing as God has given us everything we need on this earth:

1. Clary Sage Oil - Use in an oil burner close to you to help with stress, tension, or insomnia.

2. Green Tea - Antihistamine...drink at least one cup of quality green tea during allergy seasons.

3. Thyme - Decongestant...add to your tea in a steeper when brewing.  It is an acquired taste, so try a little at first, and increase to taste.

4. Chocolate - Primarily dark chocolate...natural pain reliever and a daily serving will do the same for your heart as an aspirin a day.

5. Tea Tree Oil - Put in shampoo to help treat head lice, or put in pet shampoo to help treat for fleas.  Can also be used to help treat acne.

Those are my tips for the day!  Now, if I can get through this work day without having the NEED for chocolate!

Friday, March 5, 2010


I've really been getting into organizing my music lately...ever since iTunes lost it's mind on the last update, and ended up wiping out my library file!  I had to reimport ALL of my music (from the hard drive, of course).  For some reason, when the stuff imported, the work I had done categorizing stuff was not coming across correctly.  I had a bunch of stuff that listed as Unknown Artist/Unknown Album, when I could look at the files on the drive and see their ID tags were correct.

Anyway, in getting everything back to the way it was (including ALL my playlists, which were now gone), I started digging into how stuff was classified.  I found out I could put in keywords for my stuff, and then I can group by the keywords, especially when a group crossed genres...like New Romanticism and Post-Punk.  I've been doing research on the web, looking up how things are supposed to be labeled.  This has been quite a learning experience, and I know probably have one of the more organized music libraries on the planet (library file backed up, of course).

I leave you this this....

"That which does not kill me, had better run pretty damn fast!"

Ahhhh....The Weekend!

'Tis finally here...the weekend!  I plan on keeping the computer turned off all weekend (my work computer, anyway), and ignoring it all!  Maybe I'll see about hitting some thrift stores this weekend.  Yes, that sounds like fun!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Things Are Getting A Little Better

I'm actually finally caught up at work.  Took some doing after being slammed Monday and Tuesday!  I hate leaving at the end of the day with things to do pending!

The diet and gym thing is also getting a little easier, though I really had a tough time getting out of bed this morning.  Cardio day!  The thought of spending an hour on the demon machine (aka elliptical)...oh well, I survived another day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So NOT In A Good Mood!!

Just started a new diet yesterday.  Just started back at the gym yesterday.  Yesterday and today have been terrible days at work...tons of stuff getting dumped on me all at once to do!  My vacation is still so far off!  UGH!!!!  I want to run away...but September is so far away!!!  If I could get past the hunger of just starting a new diet (not so much hunger as it is craving for junk food), then maybe I wouldn't be as grumpy.  In the mean time...BEWARE!