Was reading today that GOP Senators want travel records for Hunter Biden during the time that his father was in office as VP. They want to see if he had an official detail, etc. to determine if US taxpayer dollars were used on Hunter's "business trips" in his dealing with the Ukraine and such.
Um...what about the Trump children? We already know for a fact that US taxpayer dollars have been spent on their "business trips" abroad!! It's okay if Trump's kids do it, but not okay if Hunter Biden did it?!
Note, I'm not saying it is okay either way. Regardless of if it was a Biden kid or a Trump kid, they should not be using tax dollars on their personal business trips! Just because "daddy" is in office doesn't mean that they have access to government coffers! What I am pointing out is the hypocrisy!! The Trump children have been using government resources right under the noses of the GOP for their personal dealings, and not a peep from the GOP. Yet, when it comes to trying to undermine the House impeachment (even AFTER acquitting Trump), they are all about finding out whether or not Hunter Biden traveled on the taxpayers' dime!