The coronavirus as of last count has killed 362 people since it has been discovered. In comparison for the same timeframe, influenza in the United States has killed over 2,000, for a total of over 10,000 killed so far this season!
While concern about the coronavirus and stopping it's spread is valid, people continue to ignore that which is the biggest danger right here at home. Folks going to work sick, going to grocery stores sick and coughing on all the food, etc. Nearly half of Americans will not get the flu vaccine, which can limit your risks of contracting the virus. The flu this year is set to exceed the number from a couple of years ago (one of the worst flu seasons in recorded history) of those infected and killed by the virus.
Yet, the population is freaking out over the coronavirus. What if they put the same energy in fighting the thing that has killed thousands of Americans in the past few months?!