Saturday, December 5, 2020

Music Close to Home!

I know it has been a while. Life has happened, and I've been dealing with a few things. It's 2020, so I'm sure many can relate.

One thing that gets me through, as you may know, is music. It warms my heart especially when new music comes from my favorite local artists!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

So excited about new Evanescence music!!!

Moving political and social rants off of this page

I've decided to keep this blog more upbeat and artsy. I've move my rantings to: Rantings of the Gothic Butterfly

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Louder for the people In the back!

If you supported a baker using religion to discriminate against a same sex couple (using an unposted policy) using the defense of “a privately run business can choose to not serve anyone they wish”, I don’t want to hear you now complain about private businesses’ mask policies...which, by the way, are applied across the board regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, religion, etc.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Can we please compare oranges to oranges?!

I don't know if this is a real tweet, but I've seen this floating around:

I'm getting really tired of people referencing H1N1 and how Obama failed with a pandemic so much worse than the current administration! I'm especially tired of people misrepresenting numbers to match their agenda.

This tweet was made on April 2, 2020. At this point, the numbers he is touting covers a period of about 4 months. The numbers he compares to for H1N1 covers the span of 1 year and are total estimates!!! In the US over that span of time, there was an estimated 60.8 million cases, and only 12,469 deaths...again, this is a 1 year timeframe. Right now, in the US, we are sitting at 1.37 million cases and over 80,000 deaths since this virus was discovered overseas at the end of November 2019. This is a timespan of about 5 months (6 months tops depending on which timeline you look at). In less than half the time, the number of US deaths are about 5x that of H1N1 US deaths, and this is with way fewer infections! The mortality rate of this virus is much higher! But...keep posting the numbers in the way you want to represent them to meet your agenda, as many others continue to die.

And with all these claims that deaths are being misrepresented on death certificates and such to overinflate the numbers, this is not happening! I saw some comment today, "If someone dies of cancer, it is being recorded as a COVID-19 death!" If this were being done, doctors would be losing their licenses! THIS IS ILLEGAL! Why would doctors all across the country risk their livelihood to misrepresent COVID-19 numbers?! Seriously, people!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

"But the flu is just as deadly!"

This is the argument of so many right now who are pushing for the country to be open! I'm tired of seeing this from people who ignore science AND math! Here let me lay this out for you...

Flu Season

October 2019 thru April 2020 (time: 7 months...5 of which were NOT under lockdown)

Preliminary Estimates (note the estimate part, because that is not total tested, but estimates based on those tested...notice the WIDE range):

39,000,000 - 56,000,000 Illnesses
24,000 - 64,000 Deaths


February 2020 through early May 2020 (time: just over 3 months...2 of which were under lockdown)

As of the morning of May 7th (note that this is based on actual testing)

1,260,000 CONFIRMED Illnesses
74,581 Deaths

First of the math! Even on the high end of the flu estimates, the rate of death (deaths divided by illness to get the percentage), is .1%. COVID-19, with current confirmed numbers from testing, is at 5.9%. I get can be argued that there isn't enough testing, and as antibody numbers come in, it can be shown that many more people have actually been infected with the virus, and thus bring the death rate down. HOWEVER, that does not change the number of actual deaths versus the timespan of those deaths! The numbers alone show that COVID-19 is more deadly. Flu numbers are over 7 months, with 5 months of people doing whatever they wish...large gatherings at concerts, sporting events, etc. The COVID-19 has a timespan of about half that of the flu, MOST of that time spent in lockdown...where most businesses were closed, there were no concerts or other large gatherings, etc. More deaths in a shorter amount of time! I hate to see what those numbers are going to look like at the 7 month mark to better match up to the flu season!

I'm going to say this only once...and loudly for the people in the back...death rate is NOT calculated by number of deaths versus the entire population, which is what so many arguing to open the county have been doing in their claims that COVID-19 is no deadlier than the seasonal flu! It is deaths versus the number infected! Learn your math! Learn your science! Wear your dang masks and stay 6 ft away from others...or not, and when this illness hits close to home, MAYBE then you will finally get it!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Is it hypocritical?!

I saw a post today that indicated that anyone who supports the #MeToo movement, and votes for Biden, is a hypocrite.

Here is the problem I see....

I'm not defending Biden against the allegations at all! I didn't vote for him in the primaries (I voted for Warren before she dropped from the race, as my state is one of the ones to vote earlier in the process). What I may be forced to accept is Biden as the Democratic nominee, because that is how things are shaping up now that Sanders has also dropped out of the race, and there are no other real contenders.  So what do we have (minus any third party candidates, because we know none of them really stand a chance to win)? We have candidates on both sides who have sexual assault and/or harassment claims made against them! So either way, this is going to be a reality for whichever candidate wins this election. The fact that they BOTH have this same black mark against them forces me to disregard that black mark, and look further on to the rest of the issues.

Now, I'm not going to make a case for Biden here....that is for you, the rest of the voters, to decide for yourself. I'm simply pointing out that a vote for Biden does not make me a hypocrite at this point, as I really don't have much choice but to vote for a candidate with such a black mark against them...they BOTH have it. At this point, I'm voting on the remainder of the issues, and what I feel is best for this country as a whole. We've done 4 years of Trump (almost), and we are a mess! It's time to do something different!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The show that shall not be named...

I get it. You are bored!! You are confined to your homes (or at least should be outside of essential activity such as grocery shopping or medical visits). You are scrolling through your social media, and everyone is talking about this new show on one of the popular streaming services. So, you give it a watch.

Here is the issue, and why I refuse to name the show...I am personally so tired of people making stupid people famous! The person or persons talked about in this program do NOT deserve fame! They are stupid...they did stupid things that are not worthy of a national stage! It takes me back to the Kardashians. Most of us wouldn't have even known that name if one of them wasn't made famous over a sex tape. This family has truly contributed nothing to society outside of regular reports of their failed relationships and product lines...oh, and bad fashion trends (such as wearing leggings that are so thin they are see through, or the wearing of padded butt undergarments).

There are so many people out there more worthy of fame, and the monetary reward that comes from such! There are people out there changing the world right now...doctors, nurses, even your grocery store clerks...all putting up with your B.S. and exposing themselves daily to the coronavirus so that you can sit at home watching stupid shows about stupid people and spreading that stupid person's name around the internet like they are some hero!

I don't know...maybe this virus is the universe trying to tell us or priorities are wrong. How many are actually considering that? Worshiping these stupid "reality stars" and other celebrities, and ignoring those that are actually trying to make a difference? Maybe it is the earth fighting back for us doing our best to destroy her...notice how she has been trying to heal while we have retreated to our homes!

Seriously, people...I know you are bored, but please for the love of Mother Earth...stop making stupid people famous!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

So, let me get this straight...

In the State of Texas, it is okay for churches to violate recommendations and continue to hold services in groups of more than 10 people, but it's okay to completely block a woman's right to a safe abortion in these times of the coronavirus?!

"But...freedom of religion!" Um, freedom of religion does not guarantee you the right to congregate in a building. It gives you the right to practice your religion without persecution!! You can do that with online services from your own home, without putting other people at risk!!

The Supreme Court has already ruled on abortion, and there can be no blanket ban of abortion!! The religious right politicians are using this virus as a way to impose their beliefs into law of the land!

This is great!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Obsessed with Violet Orlandi!

In these times, I'm going to try to move away from politics and the goings on in the world. Let's try to bring some positive vibes.

Music is life, and right now I'm obsessed with this lady's voice!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Important thing to note...

If this year ends with a loss in the stock market, that is yet another tax break for the rich! Yes, they can use stock market losses to lower the amount of taxes they have to the same time, your 401K takes a huge hit. Your retirement will wither to nothing, because you are NOT ALLOWED to withdraw from the funds until you separate from employment. You do not get to get a break from this, and you are helpless as you watch your money disappear.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Oh the Irony! (Observation from an X-gener)

I've been seeing several "boomers" in my newsfeed posting this the last few days:

Now, while I sympathize with the fact that those over 60 are more at risk with the recent coronavirus, I see some irony with the particular people in my feed who have posted this. You see, these very people, not that long ago, had made posts AGAINST all of the Democratic plans to help make sure more Americans have health insurance! These are the same "over 60" people who I've seen argue over and over that if millennials want health insurance, they should simply get better jobs (which, many know, is not as easy as it sounds). BUT NOW, they are pleading with the younger generations to stop being so flippant about the coronavirus, because these "healthier" millennials may carry it and get them sick...and if they get sick, they may die!

Here is some truth, though. It isn't that millennials are really may not even be that the virus is not affecting them. As a matter of fact, with so many under 60 having no insurance, or carrying insurance with such a high deductible that it is like not having insurance, it is very likely the number of "infected" is much higher in this country than anyone thinks! The thing is, because this virus in most younger people is pretty much like a flu, these folks aren't rushing to the doctor and getting tested...they can't afford it! Many of them may not even be able to afford taking off of work (and note that the GOP Senate yesterday refused to pass an emergency 14 day mandatory sick leave)! If they do take off work, instead of going to the doctor and being tested, they are downing NyQuil and binge-watching Netflix in bed until they feel alive again, because that is all they can afford to do. So, while I don't think the younger generations should take risks that will get the older generations sick, I do ask the "over 60" crowd to seriously consider your criticism of the younger with regards to health insurance, and realize that if we make it easier for them to stay healthy, that will help them to help keep you healthy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Here is what I've gathered with relation to the coronavirus

Sifting through all of the stuff flying around the internet, I've been able to figure out that the coronavirus is really not any more serious than a chest cold...that we have all had at some point in our lives. The difference, NO ONE has developed an immunity, so it is likely that anyone who comes in contact with it will be most cases nothing severe, and something that will pass just like any cold or flu virus.

The issue is for people who already are in a position where their health is compromised, as is the case with the flu or any other cold virus, as well. These people can develop more serious conditions such as bronchitis or pneumonia. From someone who has asthma her whole life, I can understand this.

What I can't understand is the panic!!! What I also don't understand is the fear mongering by the media, making the coronavirus seem like something so deadly that if you get it, you WILL die! That is basically the message they are sending out! This is why everyone is freaking the fuck out! The best thing we can all do is basically what we should be doing all along. We should be taking care of our health...eating healthy, exercising, etc...keeping our bodies as able to fight viruses as it can be for our age. Getting older doesn't mean that you have to be frail and get sick easy. I know two people, as a matter of fact, who are knocking on the door of 80, and neither are slowed down in any way! One still goes to the gym every day, while the other goes on daily hikes. Both eat a healthy diet, and continue to live very productive lives!

We also need to be self aware. If we are ill, we should limit our presence in public. I know when I'm sick, you won't catch me dragging myself out! I may go to the doctor if I'm bad enough, and at worse, the drug store to pick up my prescriptions from said doctor visit. With the ability to get groceries and any thing else delivered, I don't have to leave the house for anything else until I'm well, and no longer contagious. I wash my hands, if I happen to cough or sneeze in public...typically just due to allergies...I cover my stuff up.

I also don't invade the personal space of others. Sick or not, there is NO reason to be right up on someone in a line or something where they feel crowded. It is common courtesy to allow people to have their personal space (something people obviously forget about). If you aren't my partner, you shouldn't be so close that you are touching me or I can feel you breathing on me.

Really, people need to calm the fuck down! Use some common sense. Remember, this thing hasn't even killed any children! Also, there have probably been thousands of more cases of this virus than have been reported, because they are only testing under certain conditions. It is likely that some had some very mild cold symptoms, dealt with it like any other cold or flu, and got over it without the world even knowing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Put it into perspective...

Folks are freaking out about the coronavirus here in the US. You can't buy toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks, rubbing alcohol, etc., because people are hoarding like it is the apocalypse. Did it spread quickly in China where it originated? Yes, it did. BUT, you have to put things into perspective.

1. China is about the same land mass as the United States.

2. China's population is approximately 1.4 billion people, which is about 1.1 billion FEWER people than the United States has.

China is way more densely populated than the US is, making it very easy for a virus to spread. It is highly doubtful it would spread at the same rate here. Even so, the number of people ill in China is a drop in the bucket compared to the total population. No, I'm not minimizing those affected by the virus, just pointing out that an individual's risk of getting the virus is much less than all the fear reporting is making it seem. You are more likely to get in a car accident. We know what we have to do to minimize our risk.

1. Wash your hands regularly, using warm water and soap, preferably an antibacterial soap.
2. Avoid unnecessary touching of strangers an acquaintances. Minimize hand shaking and such.
3. Don't touch outside surfaces in stores and such more than necessary.
4. Don't touch your face without first washing your hands, especially if you had been outside of our home.
5. If you feel ill, STAY HOME, unless leaving your home to go to the doctor. If you have the ability to have things delivered to you, do so.
6. Cover your coughs and sneezes.

This is all basic well-care that I personally do every flu season. Even though I have my vaccine, there are strains it may not cover, and the flu is constantly evolving, so I take precautions.

Bottom line...quit freaking the hell out like this is the end of the world!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Every time I think I want to try to move this blog out of a political direction...

...this administration again does something stupid!!

So now, we are going to put Pence...a man who does not believe in charge of planning and such for the potential of the coronavirus spreading in the US! I guess he will simply organize some prayer meetings, and try to pray the virus away. Or better yet...he will organize prayer meetings to pray a "shield of protection" only over Trump followers, and that the virus take out all of his critics and people of color! Yeah, that seems more realistic!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

They can't see it when it is right in front of them!

I remember several years ago. I was still married into a very conservative family. Sitting around on a Saturday afternoon, I would hear them talk about Obama. Things were said that Obama was ignoring the Constitution, that Obama would do all he could to stay in office, etc. There were many, many comparisons to Hitler!

Here we sit now under the Trump presidency. Just yesterday, he pardoned people who are big time white-collar criminals. Trump says over and over that he can do what he pleases, and makes claims of being this country's chief law enforcement official! We have a Senate that decided to not remove Trump from office before the impeachment articles were ever heard, and without considering any witnesses or evidence. Trump still has not released his tax records, AND he never put his interests into a trust and has regularly received profit through his interests from our government in violation of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause!

When I look at Trump presidency, especially as of late, I see an organized crime boss in charge of a large crime organization who happened to be elected to public office and is using said office to cater to his own interests, and that of criminals close to him! This man is EVERYTHING the conservatives said Obama was, and they can't see it when it slaps them in the face! How can they continue to follow him?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Do your homework!!!

I'm starting to get this feeling that the DNC were banking on Biden being the front-runner for the nomination. They were blindsided by Sanders taking the lead, and now they are scared that Sanders is too far left to be able to beat Trump. Though I think that thinking may be right, I'm hesitant to jump on the Bloomberg bandwagon!

I will stand behind whichever candidate gets the nomination, as I simply cannot and will not ever vote Trump. I'm pretty sure Satan himself would make a better President than Trump! I just urge you...before you head out to the your homework. Find out where the candidates stand on the issues, and KNOW what you are voting for! Make sure you can live with your vote.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Their withdrawal speaks volumes!

When all four federal prosecutors in the case of Roger Stone withdraw from the case when Attorney General Barr presents a lower recommended sentence after Trump criticizes the prosecutors' higher recommendation, THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES! There is a huge injustice going on in this country...where the POTUS can now DICTATE outcomes of criminal proceedings beyond his pardon power! I put emphasis on DICTATE, because if you cannot see we are heading into a dictatorship in this country, you have your head in the sand!

Of course, when all is said and done, Trump is going to pardon his buddy Stone anyway!

And I will say it again...when it comes time, I do NOT see Trump leaving this office quietly! Things are getting dangerous, folks! Remember when the Right said that Obama would not give up the office? Obama never abused his power in the way Trump has, and this was said. Obama did not get clearance for his children and give them positions in the WH. Trump is setting his family up to take over rule of this country when he no longer can...after he forces changes that allow him to stay in office! If he loses the election this year, watch for him to call for a full investigation claiming voter fraud, and find a way to hold on to the office. If he wins the election (which we all hope will NOT happen), watch him try to come up a way to change the Constitutional provision that a single person cannot hold the presidency for more than two terms.

We are headed to dark times, folks!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sadly, I don't think Sanders can beat Trump

As much as I can agree with a lot of Bernie's ideals and potential policies, I just don't see him beating Trump. In today's climate, if we are going to get Trump out of the WH, we need a candidate who is a bit more middle. Is that sacrificing that which I believe is good policy? Maybe, but right now, I'm more concerned about what is best for the country! We cannot survive another 4 years of Trump without irreparable damage! Now, the GOP is talking slashing Social Security and Medicare. Just this week, a Native American sacred burial ground was demolished to make room for the stupid border wall! National Park lands are being destroyed. Environmental policy reversed. Protections for pre-existing conditions being targeted. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class are screwed!

What we need is a candidate that is a little closer to middle that the independents and those to the right middle can get behind so that we can get Trump out of office! We also need to tip the balance in the Senate, and get McConnell out of the seat!

As much as I love what Bernie stands for, I think it is too much for right now. Who can beat Trump? Sadly, I think that person would be Biden, as much as I don't really like how wishy-washy he is on policy. However, I don't see Biden destroying the country like Trump, and could be the 4-year repreave we need to then get a candidate in office we need. Biden may be just enough to get the ball rolling on trying to reverse some of the damages done by policy, by putting back into place what Obama had. Biden is the kind of person who can ease relations with the other countries. We don't need a candidate who will enact drastic change at this point...we just need someone to start the healing. We must heal, first.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Double standards, much?!

Was reading today that GOP Senators want travel records for Hunter Biden during the time that his father was in office as VP. They want to see if he had an official detail, etc. to determine if US taxpayer dollars were used on Hunter's "business trips" in his dealing with the Ukraine and such.

Um...what about the Trump children? We already know for a fact that US taxpayer dollars have been spent on their "business trips" abroad!! It's okay if Trump's kids do it, but not okay if Hunter Biden did it?!

Note, I'm not saying it is okay either way. Regardless of if it was a Biden kid or a Trump kid, they should not be using tax dollars on their personal business trips! Just because "daddy" is in office doesn't mean that they have access to government coffers! What I am pointing out is the hypocrisy!! The Trump children have been using government resources right under the noses of the GOP for their personal dealings, and not a peep from the GOP. Yet, when it comes to trying to undermine the House impeachment (even AFTER acquitting Trump), they are all about finding out whether or not Hunter Biden traveled on the taxpayers' dime!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Coronavirus is NOT our biggest concern!

The coronavirus as of last count has killed 362 people since it has been discovered. In comparison for the same timeframe, influenza in the United States has killed over 2,000, for a total of over 10,000 killed so far this season!

While concern about the coronavirus and stopping it's spread is valid, people continue to ignore that which is the biggest danger right here at home. Folks going to work sick, going to grocery stores sick and coughing on all the food, etc. Nearly half of Americans will not get the flu vaccine, which can limit your risks of contracting the virus. The flu this year is set to exceed the number from a couple of years ago (one of the worst flu seasons in recorded history) of those infected and killed by the virus.

Yet, the population is freaking out over the coronavirus. What if they put the same energy in fighting the thing that has killed thousands of Americans in the past few months?!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Contemplate this!

Many of these same senators and representatives were in office during the time Clinton was (we really do need term limits)! Their argument is that even IF Trump used his position to try to coerce officials of another country to dig up dirt on his opponent in the upcoming election, this is not an impeachable offense! So, receiving sexual favors in the White House and lying about it is impeachable...according to the GOP...but nothing Trump has done is?!

Their narrative is setting a very, very dangerous precedent which opens the door for dictatorship! Anyone who doesn't see this...regardless of totally blind!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Take note...

...of ANY senator that votes against witnesses in the impeachment trial! This isn't a party issue. All evidence must be heard! Making a decision without hearing all of the evidence is irresponsible, and against everything our justice system stands for! You may try to argue that an impeachment proceeding is not related to our justice system, but it is a trial. If the senate is allowed to acquit the President without hearing all of the evidence, what message does that send to lower courts?

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Iran Situation

I've been reading a lot in the last couple of days about the situation in the Middle East after the assassination of Solimani. One argument I keep seeing over and over by conservatives is that Iran started hostilities against the US back in 1979 when it stormed a US Embasy, taking American hostages.

This is NOT the whole story, and this is NOT when the problem started. The rest of the story is that in 1953 the US CIA helped the British stage a coup against the then DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED leader of Iran. The reason for this was due to the leader wanting to nationalize their oil fields...oil fields that Britain controlled. Yes, you read that really is all about oil! After helping to overthrow the leader of Iran, the US backed the monarch. This new leader was quite the authoritarian.   The Shah exiled those who opposed him...including Ayatollah Khomeini (if you were around in the 80's, you are very familiar with this name).

In 1979, the Shah fell out of power due to revolution. The country was united in it's distrust of the US, after the US did what it did in 1953. At this point, Khomeini returned to Iran. Later in 1979, the US allowed the Shah to come here for medical treatment. Iran demanded the extradition of the Shah due to what they perceived as crimes against the Iranian people, but the US refused. THIS resulted in the storming of the 1979 storming of the US Embassy!

So, while it may look like Iran was the initial aggressor in all of this when you fail to note all parts of history, the actual truth is that the US was the initial sticking it's nose in stuff that was not their business...all over some oil!

Add to all of this that Iraq saw it's own revolution that eventually lead to the Saddam taking power in 1979. During much of the 80's, the US played both sides of the Iraq/Iran conflict...backing Iraq, while selling weapons to Iran (Iran-Contra affair ring a bell)!! That is, until Saddam invaded Kuwait, which forced the US to stand by it's Gulf allies (again, all about the oil, baby)! After Saddam was overthrown, Iran still viewed Iraq as an enemy, which, well, the US was trying to help rebuild.

Learn your history!!