So, this morning I post about my heavy heart, saying there is too much hate and disregard for human life in the world. Immediately, one of my family members goes on saying something along lines of with the media blasting hate in the news for weeks, and all the hate out of Hollywood and the NFL, it is no wonder...that satan is here on earth. Really? Now is not the time for politics! Now is the time for waking up!!! Religion, politics...while fine that we all have different ideals, beliefs, and opinions...continue to drive a wedge between us! Again, I'm reminded of my favorite Jonathan Swift quote:
"We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another."
In the past week, I've been in many discussions about current events that resulted in me simply having to walk away once the insults and hate speech started flying! People cannot even have a simple discussion without resorting to attacks. I find this especially true when people are presented with facts that go against their belief system...they get defensive and start personally attacking those presenting the fact, even when others are simply making statements attacking no one. Do I feel that the current administration has fed into this? You bet I do! But at the same time, I find so much hate coming from the supporters that voted for him, and it is no wonder. And isn't just the right...the far left has lost their damn minds, as well! It seems so many on either side have no regard for other is all about them, them, them! Do I believe in the NFL protests? Yes, because I do believe there are people in this country being treated unjustly, and that needs to be corrected. Do I support violent protests, regardless of the cause behind them? No I don't, as I don't support anything that aims to cause harm to others...and damaging property does still cause harm to people. You destroy a store front, that store may be that of a small business owner who is just struggling to get by, as an example.
This country has literally lost it's mind! I don't know....maybe this is end times! Maybe this is what it looks like! If so, from what I've seen lately on social media and such, the people who are so sure they are the ones to be taken up in the Rapture are the ones that, in my opinion, are the most likely to get left behind! I made a joke after the whole "end of days prophesy" of 9/23/2017 showed nothing significant happened..."What if the Rapture did happen, but no one was qualified to go?!" What if this was true?