Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For Lent...

...I'm not giving up anything.  I mean, why give up something for 40-days that you know you are going to go back to come Easter?  Give up T.V.?  Are you going to give that up for the rest of your life?  Give up sodas?  Really?  What is the percentage of people who have given up sodas, and stayed off sodas (btw, I am happy to say that I haven't had a soda in over a year, but for reasons other than Lent)?

No, instead of something temporary, I've decided I'm going to look to more of permanent change!  I've already gotten down to my goal size and weight range, so now it is time to get toned and ripped!  I am challenging myself to a fitness challenge for the next 40 days, to get rid of that last little bit of fat (yes, it is there, I can see the dimples), and get well on my way to a sculpted body (not body-builder...just so you can tell I have muscles, and that I can probably kick your butt at the gym).  What does this have to do with Lent, some may ask?  In the scriptures, we are told to care for the Temple of God.  We are also told that God lives in us.  Sooooooo...that means that our bodies are the Temple of God that we should care for!  For this reason, I want my body to be what God created it to, trim (not super skinny), able to do any kind of exercise without feeling like I'm going to keel over and die, etc.

Now, many may say, "But you are already all about fitness and eating right."  Kinda true...but I haven't totally dedicated myself.  I still make excuses for not hitting the gym, and still have junk food relapses.  So, for 40-days:
  • At least 5 days of exercise a week, and will try my best to at least get up and walking on the weekend (this is a challenge, as this means me getting others to get off of their back sides).
  • Little to no junk chips, no potatoes, etc.  If I must eat out at a fast food place, because that is what everyone else is doing, I will make the healthiest choice available!
  • Drink as much water as I can stand.
  • Push myself during wimping out!
Let's do this!!!