Friday, February 3, 2012


Since returning from vacation, I have been seriously considering a mostly pescetarian diet.  I won't be cutting out meat completely...I mean, Tuesday night is fajita night at our local Mexican restaurant so on those nights I will have chicken.  But for the most part, I would like to cut out most meat.  It is possible, as I was vegetarian many years ago for more than 12 months.  My only problem then was being addicted to carbs...all that meat-free pasta and those pastries caused me to gain tons of weight.  However, since finding out I'm gluten intolerant, that isn't an issue any longer, and I think changing my diet will have some really promising effects.

So, I've been having a craving for a good Gardenburger.  I remember how tasty these things were back when I ate a vegetarian diet.  I picked up a box today at the grocery store, and to my disappointment, the label said, "Contains Wheat"!  What?  They just had to go and ruin the Gardenburger for me!  I also noticed the list of  ingredients was very lengthy, so not as healthy as I once thought.  I went to the gluten-free section, and found what I hope to be a tasty gluten, no ingredients I can't pronounce, etc.  I'm still disappointed, though.  Why do they have to jack with food so much?  Why all the fillers and preservatives?  What is so wrong with natural food?