Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week #1 Almost Done!

So, I know I've been saying a few times that I'm going to "reboot", so to speak, but I keep having a hard time sticking with it! My schedule is just so crazy...and those french fries are oh so tempting!

Luckily, after my discovery of My Fit Foods, I've been able to stay on track all week!  I'm back to 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks.  I've also been drinking their "detox cocktail" (which, I tell you, tastes terrible, but does seem to be working).  Some may say, "but their meals are not cheap!" Well, I figured it out, and what I've been spending on a crappy meal is about the same as one Fit Foods meal.  Just get the stuff myself and make my own meals?  Well, 1) I don't have the time; and 2) I figured out how much I spend on fresh veggies, meat, gluten-free pasta, etc., and it comes out about the same or more, especially if I want to eat something different every day...not to mention, veggies going bad before you get to eat them.

So far, I've lost about a pound, and I've noticed signs that my metabolism is kicking back up...sleeping a bit better, and though I'm perfectly fine with the temperature of the house before lunch, I find myself sweating after lunch.

Next week, I'm going to try to get back on track with less than 5 days a week.  Right now, I'm only averaging about one day...sure, it is an hour of weights and an hour of dance, but I need to do better.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Okay, so I may be a little late in the game here, but I finally decided to check out My Fit Foods yesterday. There is one by my gym. I've known it was there by the gym, but never knew exactly what it was. I was thinking it was something like GNC or whatever. Yesterday, my curiosity got the best of me, and I looked it up online while eating my salad at McDonald's. Gluten-free, healthy meals? What was this about? so I decided to go in and see what this place was about. Before me stood several refrigerators...NOT freezers...full of gluten-free, healthy meals! These things are prepared DAILY, and you simply need to pop them into a microwave for a couple of minutes, and BAM...gluten-free, healthy, tasty food! I decided that I would swing back by after the gym (because they are open until 9:00 p.m.), and grab something for lunch today and the weekend. I picked up some stir-fry tenderloin, and Hawaiian chicken...oh, and a gluten-free protein cookie for a snack. Total cost, about $24...$24 for 3 meals (as the chicken was a double portion) and a snack. That came out to about $7/meal, if you figure most protein cookies are not cheap. I just got through spending about that much McDonald's for a salad and an iced tea...a salad, mind you, that probably really didn't have quite the nutritional balance of the meals I just bought, and I can tell you, wasn't really all that satisfying! So, today for lunch I had the stir-fry tenderloin...OMG! The beef was so tasty and tender...and it was a larger portion of meat than on my salad the night before. This was served with converted brown rice and a spicy vegetable medley of carrots, green beans, pineapple, and onion. I am seriously looking forward to digging into that chicken, now! I will much as I've been trying to bet back into being good again, I haven't been doing so well. My biggest problem is I'm always on the run! I don't have a lot of time to cook, and when I do, I get tired of eating the same thing every day for a week. This place fixes so much! They have a microwave right there in the store, so, for example, on Wednesday nights when I normally grab some fast food while I'm on the run to my evening function, I can swing by and grab a tasty dinner! Also, on days when I have to drive into the office, I can swing by after the gym and grab a lunch for the day, and I don't have to eat the same thing over and over!