Thursday, March 29, 2012

Music Addiction - New Discovery

Just discovered this band...Eyes Set To Kill...on Pandora this morning, and already addicted!  Some good Thursday music. :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chorus About Sums It Up!

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me


I haven't been doing so well with my workouts the last week.  I got too worn down, so something came in and kicked my butt!  I'm still not feeling 100%, but got back to it today.  I'm just so drained!  Work is one thing after another, and most of it is due to one particular person not doing their this has been putting more burden on me.  It's so frustrating!  It's not like this is something that has just been an issue the last few weeks, but something that has been going on for months now!  I just can't understand why more isn't being done about it all.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

When Is " Funny" Not Funny?

The daughter of a friend of mine posted a "fat" joke to Facebook today. She then got upset when others were offended by it...telling us we needed to chill the eff out...that if one can't laugh at one's self, someone else HAS to!

I'm at the end of my weight loss journey...down 65lbs and 13 sizes! I still have some body tummy is puffier than I would like and I have some extra skin that I'm beginning to think will never go away. Yes, I poked fun at myself...and myself ONLY...when I was was my right and I was trying to hide all the hurt I really felt inside.

This girl has never been heavy a day in her life, though she often tries to say she is fat (at a size 2...she's fat). She doesn't know the real struggles...the health issues, being tired all the time, never finding clothes you like in your size, etc.  She has no place to joke about the subject!

Bottom line, jokes about weight, appearance, race, religion, etc. are uncool...and anyone who feels otherwise needs to wake up to reality! These types of jokes are a form of bullying...they do hurt people! People should have thicker skin, one may say? In response, I say people should simply have more respect for others!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

By The Way...

...some may wonder how I'm doing with my 40-day challenge, especially in light of my recent post about the week from Hell!  Well, I can say I am exhausted!  Things have not let up at all.  However, I have been pushing through the exhaustion, and have been making it to my workout every workday and pushing hard.  I've also maintained my diet and water goals.  I have discovered through all of this that I am no longer a stress least, I haven't been inclined to turn to food or snacking through all this stress.  Maybe I'm just consciously suppressing it...who knows!

The stress has brought on some stuff physically.  Not going to go into details here, but I can say I'm NOT happy with what is going on with my body right now!  I'm hoping things start getting back to normal next week.  I plan on getting some much needed rest this weekend, so, if ANYONE wakes me before I'm ready...

Old School!