Thursday, February 4, 2010

Keep Waiting...

I'm still waiting for the craziness to stop.  It will get better soon...I hope!

At least I've had many a rainy day to look forward to, and the forecast has many more to come.  Something so relaxing about the rain.

I woke up a bit upset today.  In a dream, I came up with the totally awesome praise and worship song.  Unfortunately, all I can remember now that I'm awake is that it was awesome!!!  I remember singing it over and over, and looking for a notebook or computer desperately to put it down...knowing that if I saw the words, even in my dream, I would remember it.  Then, I was abruptly awaken....grrrr!  I hate that, because that causes me to forget details from my dreams!  I tried to go back to sleep immediately so that maybe I could get back to where I left off...that happens sometimes.  But no, could not get back to sleep, and can't remember the song to save my life!  I know it is there in my brain somewhere, but how do I get to it?

So frustrating......