Monday, November 2, 2009

Grumpy Day!

I'm feeling like total crud today, so I'm already grumpy.  So, I venture out to the store to get some stuff to try to feel better.  Of all days, I come across some of the most inconsiderate and lazy people on the planet!

First off, in the parking lot...right before I slip into a parking space I spied, I almost get hit by a lady in this over-sized Suburban backing out of her space without even looking that anyone was behind her (her backup lights were NOT on when I proceeded to go by her).  Seeing as she is not stopping and no one is behind me, I throw my car into reverse to quickly maneuver out of her way.  Even after she is out of the spot, she continues to back up, so I back up even more.  I expect the lady to leave, at this point.  Nope...she simply decided that a car TWO SPACES UP was leaving, so she wanted that space, instead.  So I let her park her big vehicle that she obviously does not know how to drive, and proceed to pull into the spot I was originally going for...when the lady who parked just seconds before this whole thing in a Navigator decides that she now wants the spot I was originally going to take (again, only TWO SPACES up from where she currently is).  She proceeds to start backing out with me behind her.  Already agitated, I make it very known to her that I'm behind her, and take my space, forcing the lady in the Navigator into the space the lady in the Suburban just vacated.  I don't even know why she proceeded, as this space was only one space closer!  Are people THAT lazy that they can't walk an extra 6-12 feet?!?!

Okay, so I'm done with the parking fiasco, and go into the store to get my stuff.  I'm ready to leave, and there are several lanes open...not a whole lot, because it is early in the "10 item or less" lane, and 4 regular lanes.  This guy with a basket full of groceries pulls into the "10 items or less" lane and unloads his groceries onto the belt in front of me.  I'm standing there with my 5 little items...well under the limit.  The other lanes have 2 people in each lane with full baskets...which is why, I assume, the guy had the audacity to use the express lane!  I don't know what upset me more...the guy who had way too many items for the express lane, or the cashier who did not ask him to use another lane or say jack to him about having too many items.  I'm watching the screen as she is ringing him up....37 items!!!  He wasn't even close!  I don't get upset if someone has 11 or 12 items...being a little over is okay...but 27 items over the limit?  This guy was just a jerk for using the express lane, when there were obviously people there with way fewer items.  When he pulled into line, there was one person ahead of him, and before he started to unload his basket, I was behind him.  By the time he finished his transaction, there were 3 of us in line behind him who, all together, had fewer items than he did!  The cashier never said a word!  At the very least, I would have called him on it..."Sir, in the future, this is the express lane, and is reserved for people who have 10 items or less"...if I didn't tell him that he MUST use one of the other lanes.

Laziness and inconsiderateness!  Grrrr!!!!!!