Monday, November 23, 2009

Time Flies!

Can't believe it's already going to be Thanksgiving.  Seems like this year just recently started!  Where did the year go?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Under The Milky Way

Thank you, Lincoln!  Thanks for making me feel old by targeting my generation for you new cars using one of the songs I just love!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Quieter Day

So far, today hasn't been as bad as yesterday.  I knock on wood, because it is still early.  The bad thing is that the person who usually filters most the work to me was out yesterday, and appears to be out again today.  That means it will all get piled on tomorrow or Friday, whenever she gets back to the office.  Bad thing about that?  I'm only working until noon on Tuesday, then I'm off for the holiday!!!  I let her know last week of my plans, and that any and all emergencies needed to be in by EOD Monday, or it was going to have to wait until after the holiday.  Wonder how many things I'm going to have to rush, because they've been sitting in her email while she was out.  It amazes me that there isn't a backup to keep that stuff moving!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Busy Blog Day!

I know...busy day today for the blog, but the stoopidity just keeps on rolling!  Seems these days I'm getting more and more issues that are the result of folks not giving me the right information the first time...meaning I have to redo work AND do additional work because of someone else's mistakes!  This is getting really tiring!  They don't feel the pain of their mistakes, so they never learn to stop making them!

I just want to scream!!!!


I'm wondering why folks at work are so against using the group calendar I set up many months ago.  I just want everyone to know when folks are going to be available and when they aren't.  Is that too much to ask?  It is especially hard on me when I have to assign out tasks or track down the status on something for someone if I don't know when folks are not going to be in the office or working from home.  I could care less the reason folks are not available...I just need to know when they are not available!  Tired of folks thinking it is some invasion of privacy or something!  It is simple office etiquette!

Tired Of STOOPID People!

I know...the people I'm talking about are too stupid to just be stupid.  They are STOOPID!

I'm really getting tired of people in the world who are oblivious to the fact that the world does not revolve around them, and that this is not their world to do as they want while showing no respect for others.  Days like today make me want to write in big letters on the back of my car:

1. There is A God!!!

I'm serious, people act like they are the most important thing there ever was, ever is, or ever will be!  This causes all kinds of problems for those of us who understand the two simple rules above, because there are way too many people who ignore the two simple rules above!  Traffic problems?  The result of people who think they are too important to follow the rules of the road (let alone the laws), think everyone has to stop to allow them to correct their navigation mistakes or sudden change of mind, or look out for them because they have to make an important phone call, put on makeup, mess with the radio, eat, etc. so that we do not allow them to hit us!  These are the same people who bring their children, son's included, into the WOMEN'S locker room at the gym when it states clearly on the door "In order to respect the privacy of our guests, children are NOT allowed in the locker room."  Do they not realize that there are naked women in there that they are exposing their children to?  Of course, these are the same people who in turn complain about nudity on TV, and the amount of sex that is used to sell everything!  It is okay for their kids to see naked women in real life, but not okay for them to see a butt crack on TV, or a girl in a bikini on a commercial!  STOOPID!!!

I leave you with my impression of most of the world today....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Munday...

...and as the holiday season approaches, my life gets busier!  Work is already starting to go crazy...and I do me "go" crazy!  Not only is work picking up, but we are getting all kinds of strange and outrageous requests!  I need some rest!  Maybe next week for the can only hope!

What kills me, is that as every year, I'm finding less and less time to take care of me!  I've gained back about 10 lbs, and I can't seem to do what I need to do in order to take it back off.  This morning, for example.  Every morning, I have to check into work, because waiting until I get to the office is too late if a client's stuff is going to be delayed.  This morning, issues took too much of my time, and I was not able to go to the gym, or I would otherwise be late for work.  I'm hoping I may find time later to get a little exercise in.  I am putting my foot down on my eating today, however, and sticking to low carb from now until Thanksgiving...if not through Thanksgiving.

On a higher note, I went to a new hair style this weekend.  Not sure if my husband likes it yet...think it is just too different for him, and he needs to get used to it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kickin' It Old Skool!

Don't know why, but I just feel like listening to some old school music today...The Cure, Depeche Mode, Joy Division, The Cult, The Church, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Bauhaus....

Whatever helps me get through all of this work!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mood Of Frustration

I don't know why, but everything seems to frustrate me these days.  Traffic, work, my phone ringing...I know it seems I just had one, but I need a vacation!  At least we are going out of town for Thanksgiving, just hope it allows for a little R n R....though some how I doubt it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Slammed With Work...As Usual!

You know, one thing that really gets me is people that make me do work because they are too lazy to go check something for themselves!!!  I got about 10 requests from the same person to go add a configuration for customers, and all 10 customers had the configuration already completed.  There is a special tool to use to see this information, that this person has access to, but instead of using it, she puts tickets in for me.  I then have to verify each one (because one cannot assume), and respond back that this had already been done.  Why couldn't she check before making me do unnecessary work?

And one person is really ticking me off!!!  Because they don't plan ahead, every request they make is a "today by EOD" request!!!  They escalate it to management to get approval to ask for same day service!!  Sorry, but failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine!

Friday, November 6, 2009

This At Least Made Me Chuckle...

Too Busy To Post!

Been too busy to post the last couple of days, and it is really starting to get irritating!  I'm tired of feeling...correction, BEING...the only one doing work around here!  I take one afternoon yesterday to go watch my son's game, and I come back to things that were assigned to me, due dates of yesterday, etc.  I then get asked this morning why they were not's like "Folks...can't I take an afternoon to go do my most important job...MOM?!?!?!"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Started Off Grrrr!!!

So I find out today at 6:30 a.m. that I have to work late today!  What a way to start off a day, huh?  Especially, when I already know I had a crap load of I find out I get to put in 10+ hours today on top of that!  GRRRRRRR!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not Motivated!

Was slammed with work yesterday!  Was busy all day...over 9 hours worth of day...and still have a ton of crap left over to do from yesterday.  To make things worse, stuff keeps coming in!!!  Give me a freaking break!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Grumpy Day!

I'm feeling like total crud today, so I'm already grumpy.  So, I venture out to the store to get some stuff to try to feel better.  Of all days, I come across some of the most inconsiderate and lazy people on the planet!

First off, in the parking lot...right before I slip into a parking space I spied, I almost get hit by a lady in this over-sized Suburban backing out of her space without even looking that anyone was behind her (her backup lights were NOT on when I proceeded to go by her).  Seeing as she is not stopping and no one is behind me, I throw my car into reverse to quickly maneuver out of her way.  Even after she is out of the spot, she continues to back up, so I back up even more.  I expect the lady to leave, at this point.  Nope...she simply decided that a car TWO SPACES UP was leaving, so she wanted that space, instead.  So I let her park her big vehicle that she obviously does not know how to drive, and proceed to pull into the spot I was originally going for...when the lady who parked just seconds before this whole thing in a Navigator decides that she now wants the spot I was originally going to take (again, only TWO SPACES up from where she currently is).  She proceeds to start backing out with me behind her.  Already agitated, I make it very known to her that I'm behind her, and take my space, forcing the lady in the Navigator into the space the lady in the Suburban just vacated.  I don't even know why she proceeded, as this space was only one space closer!  Are people THAT lazy that they can't walk an extra 6-12 feet?!?!

Okay, so I'm done with the parking fiasco, and go into the store to get my stuff.  I'm ready to leave, and there are several lanes open...not a whole lot, because it is early in the "10 item or less" lane, and 4 regular lanes.  This guy with a basket full of groceries pulls into the "10 items or less" lane and unloads his groceries onto the belt in front of me.  I'm standing there with my 5 little items...well under the limit.  The other lanes have 2 people in each lane with full baskets...which is why, I assume, the guy had the audacity to use the express lane!  I don't know what upset me more...the guy who had way too many items for the express lane, or the cashier who did not ask him to use another lane or say jack to him about having too many items.  I'm watching the screen as she is ringing him up....37 items!!!  He wasn't even close!  I don't get upset if someone has 11 or 12 items...being a little over is okay...but 27 items over the limit?  This guy was just a jerk for using the express lane, when there were obviously people there with way fewer items.  When he pulled into line, there was one person ahead of him, and before he started to unload his basket, I was behind him.  By the time he finished his transaction, there were 3 of us in line behind him who, all together, had fewer items than he did!  The cashier never said a word!  At the very least, I would have called him on it..."Sir, in the future, this is the express lane, and is reserved for people who have 10 items or less"...if I didn't tell him that he MUST use one of the other lanes.

Laziness and inconsiderateness!  Grrrr!!!!!!