In recent months, we have seen laws passed in several states that effectively make ANY abortion illegal. States wouldn't have even considered these laws in the past, but with our current Supreme Court, they are feeling more confident about when these laws get challenged. They see it as a way to overturn Roe v Wade.
But at what cost?! Can these people even call themselves pro-life? I mean, pro-birth is a better label. These people do not care about the well-being of the child after it is born. If the mother cannot provide medical, food, etc. on her own, well then, she simply shouldn't have even been having sex in the first place. I say that, because these same people want to teach an abstinence-only sex education curriculum, and like to tell employers that they don't have to carry insurance that contains birth control coverage if birth control and such is against their religion. They also say that medical providers do not have to perform responsible sterilization procedures, if such is against their religion. These people do not care if the woman's life is at risk should she get pregnant, or the fact that if abortion is illegal in this country, desperate women will still take desperate measures...measures that could kill these women. These people do not care if a sonogram shows a fetus has a critical birth defect that would cause it to live a very short, painful life outside of the womb...if it lives beyond the first few minutes after birth, or that the woman in such a case must live with prolonged grief as she carries the child to term knowing that it will not live after. They also do not care if the "mother-to-be" is an 11-year-old girl who was raped by an older man or a family member.
These very same people ignore the fact that at any given time in this country, there are about 400,000 children in our country's foster care system. They ignore the statistics with regards to foster kids...low graduation rates, higher rates of abuse, higher teen pregnancy rates, higher drug use and criminal rates. If being a foster kid were such a great option, why is it such a large number of foster kids come out of the system wishing they had never been born because of their terrible lives?
The abortion laws being passed have nothing to do with saving lives, and everything to do with controlling a woman's (or girl's) body!! Do you see them viciously going after absent fathers? No! Men are constantly allowed to shrug their responsibilities to their children, while the court systems say the woman should work harder, or consider giving the child up to a family member who can raise them, or to the system. Do you see a court system that fiercely goes after men who commit rape? Nope!! Rapists often spend less time in jail than a person convicted of a non-violent crime, if they spend any time at all. The whole while, the victims are blamed for being raped in the first place (they shouldn't have worn those clothes or been at that party, or hell, even been jogging alone at 7 a.m.)! Do you see them working to improve the foster care system, or insuring there are programs for single parents to have access to medical care and food for these children? Do you see them making sure that ALL schools afford the same eduction and opportunities for all children to succeed? Nope, and nope!
These people in these positions of power simply want to push their religion on us women using their power to control our bodies! That is all there is to it!