I was reading today about the woman who was shot dead in her PJs by an officer in the passenger seat of a squad car, while she was talking to the driver about a call she put in about a ruckus in the alley. I read today that the officer supposedly shot her, because he was startled by a loud noise!! The officers' body cameras and car camera were off. They didn't turn their body cameras on until after the shooting, as they attempted CPR on the woman.
I have to ask: where is the outcry for this woman?! This is another case of either lack of training, or an officer being too jumpy, etc.! I bet if she were a woman of color, there would be screaming and riots! But this was a white woman, and everyone is on radio silence. Why? This woman was unarmed in her PJs! She was the one that made the call, because she hard concerning noises in the alley. Heard a loud noise? That is why the officer shot her?
I get that officers have reason to be scared, but this quick jump to fire their guns has got to stop! I guess the radio silence is because this doesn't support claims that previous shootings were racially motivated. Does race have to be a factor to make it wrong? We have too many officers out there these days that are too quick to shoot first, and ask questions later. The defense we hear more and more is "I was scared for my life." Yeah, part of that has probably been because police were made targets by certain groups of people. However, they would have not really been made target had it not been for the few bad apples that abused their power and got away with it! The good 'ol boys network needs to stop! Cops need to start calling out bad cops! They need to start recognizing signs of officers who may be a little too jumpy to be out in the field, and find alternate positions for them in the department. Something needs to be done, before more innocent lives are lost!