I don't know how this fits in with my most recent posts, but I feel I need to get this out.
With Veganism being the new "thing" these days, I've noticed more and more folks are moving to a lifestyle that is completely "cruelty free" when it comes to animals. I personally have moved to being pescatarian, because I don't agree with the processes used to raise animals for food, and I believe as a people we are too dependent on meat. Precious farmland is being consumed to raise record numbers of cattle, chickens a crammed into large coups around the country, etc. This is not only bad for the environment, but we have seen an increase in antibiotic usage and such to prevent the rapid spread of illness as so many animals are crammed together, as well as various things fed and injected into the animals to make them ready for slaughter faster to keep up with the demand.
Why don't I go completely vegan some may ask. Well, I really, really do like my salmon...lol! It is also quite the task to be completely vegan, as you have to avoid ANYTHING where animals are "used" in any point of the process. Your supplements, hair and skin care products, even clothing. Also, in many cases where one has a pet, they look out for totally vegan options for their pet...and sorry, my cat is a carnivore, and if I cut out her meat-based food (which, the meat comes as a by-product from animals processed for human consumption), I could adversely effect her health.
For my part, I do look for "cruelty free" products when I do make cosmetic or care purchases. I avoid products that test on animals. I also do try to buy completely vegetarian or vegan supplements. But when it comes to my clothing and the likes, I will admit that I'm not quite as thorough, and I do have leather items.
But the real purpose of this post. I've also noticed with becoming vegan, many of these people have to announce it with about every post they make to social media. I know one woman who has some vegan-related hashtag in every post she makes, even if it is a picture of her and her partner! I get spreading the awareness against animal cruelty, but it is no wonder that vegans are being looked at as "uppity" my so many others, when they keep shoving it down everyone's throats!
The very same goes for many Christians. Every post, or at least every other, has some reference to a scripture, or how great God is, etc. "But you are constantly posting about compassion, love, and acceptance." That is different, I think. I'm not trying to say, "Hey, look at me...oh, and you are wrong." I know I'm not perfect! I'm just pleading to the world to stop the hate and the violence. It isn't about what I believe or what I want you to believe...I just want you to stop and consider that is okay for us all to have our own beliefs, and we all need to respect each other for that. I'm not over here saying, "Hey...look at me...I'm the most loving, compassionate person on the planet, and if you are not as well, you are wrong!" And if I'm posting something completely unrelated, like a picture of my boyfriend or my cat, I don't even mention it. If I need to express something that is heavy on my heart, I will, but if I'm just posting some fun stuff about a meal I cooked or that my cat is running around like her tail is on fire, not a hashtag will you find on the subject of my personal awakening!
On the other hand, what I'm addressing here are the people that have to post vegan or Christian or whatever hashtags on EVERY post. EVERY opportunity they get, they have to remind you that they are....whatever. At that point, it no longer feels like they are doing what they doing for anything other than their own ego. "Look world...I'm vegan. You eat meat, and you are an evil animal hater!" "Hey, I'm Christian! I'm good and perfect, and if you do anything that this book here or my pastor says is a sin, you will burn in hell!"
This goes right back to ego, and to fact vs. truth. My truth, is that our increased demand for meat in our diet (because Americans are surely eating more per sitting than the 3 oz recommended amount) is adversely affecting our environment, our food supply, and is forcing animals to be raised in a "less than natural" environment that is not kind. Your truth may be that meat is tasty, and you don't really care how it is raised. I'm not going to sit here and make vegetarian or pescatarian hashtags in posts to force my truth down your throat, but rather I'm going to just do what I feel I need to do to support my truths. Not eating meat, recycling, keeping my thermostat at a certain temp, etc., these are all things I will just do, because they work for me and put my mind at ease when it comes to whether or not I'm doing my part for the environment.
I guess my point is...why can't we just do? Why do we have to draw attention to ourselves for doing things that we believe are for the good? The need for attention is just ego. Now, if there is something going on at the government level or whatever that completely goes against the rights of the people, by all means, stand up and make your voice heard. Now, that isn't going to be through social media, because most politicians could care less what people put on their Facebook or Instagram! FRIENDLY protests, letter writing campaigns, phone call campaigns...if you think the people of this country are being wronged, take action! I've even written and phoned on these environmental issues, because the environment is important to me. We only have one planet! But then again, keep your ego out of it! If you are posting to urge people to contact their representatives, that is okay. If you are posting to say, "Hey, I attended this rally!"...that is ego!