Monday, June 17, 2013

General Rants and Musings...

I apologize in advance if I just ramble on...

I must get my butt back into gear! I've been so unmotivated as of late. Tired, etc...I know part of it is that I've let myself slip into a little unhealthy eating and not enough exercise...both a cause and result of not being motivated. I'm dragging too much to get a workout in today, and I'm so, so busy anyway. My work load at work has increased because of a layoff on my team; I have a senior parent meeting this evening; at some point today I have to do laundry...I think part of it all is waking up each day knowing what load I have in front of me, and feeling overwhelmed from the moment I wake up! I must find a way to get past this! I need to get my personal trainer exam done, I need to get back to exercising 6-days a thing I CAN start today is getting my eating back on track! Today, I start back to no cheating!

I'm in desperate need for a vacation! I think we are planning on a cruise again in January, but it seems so far away. I need to find the down payment, and get it coordinated with our friends who were supposed to go on the last cruise with us, but it fell through.  I'm a little excited about it!

UGH! I feel like I can take a nap already! I'm really not feeling well today, but I have all this stuff I must do! Oh well....try to push through!