I'm not going to share here who I will vote for, or my views on any of the issues. I am simply here to say THANK GOODNESS today is Election Day! FINALLY...after months upon months of this, I will be able to go through my day without having some campaign ad thrown in my face...without debate news being on every TV at the gym...and hopefully without the long drawn out Facebook posts about why someone is voting the way they are and the long line of ugly comments that come after! Why don't I voice my political opinions or where I stand on the issues on internet mediums? Because people seem to forget that I have the RIGHT to have an opinion! You can't have an opinion and have an intelligent, civil debate with most of the people who read these things. So many times they have to resort to insults when they can't think of anything intelligent to say to support their stance...maybe because they are just following the trend and do not know why they are taking the stance they are and/or they never bothered to research the issue to develop their own opinions.
So I urge everyone...before you go out...take a few minutes to look up and review where the candidates stand on the issues. Look inside of yourself and think about where you really stand, and vote for the candidate that you believe will go along the lines of what you believe is right for this Country! Do not let anyone sway you...you are intelligent enough to make your own choice. Also, think realistically...the President cannot do things alone! Remember your government class in school...we have THREE branches of the government that work to make the laws and decisions for this Country. The President can voice his agendas to Congress, but that does not mean that Congress is going to go along with what the President wants to do...it doesn't even mean that both houses will even agree!
I just plead with you all to be informed before heading to the polls today, but please, go to the polls and cast your votes! It is your right, even if you feel your vote will not even matter...it is your right to go voice your opinion. Don't save your opinions for the toilet walls!