I've been doing some research as of late, and have made some new discoveries about health. This research has caused me to take a harder look at the way I eat. I need more green veggies! Yes, I have some every day, but I still don't think I'm getting enough veggies!
I've also changed my stance on fasting...after more research, I have found it can be beneficial as long as you know you limits and don't over-do it. A few days should be enough...and only do what you know your body can handle. I decided this week to do a juice fast during the day, and still have some food for dinner. Since I used pure vegetable juice (mixed with pure apple juice to help the flavor), I still got the calories and such needed to keep my blood sugar at a good place. Only 3 days, and I saw a dramatic improvement!
I think I am also going to take up dance. I've already tried the class...and yes...I am a bit out of practice...but practice makes perfect, right? I can do this! Going back to the class tonight, and going to try to go every week, if possible. The class is fun, it is great for stress relieve, and I get an unbelievable calorie burn!
Here's to rebooting, and feeling refreshed!