1. With everyone in an uproar over gay marriage and protecting the sanctity of marriage, where are these same people when you have a highly profiled Hollywood divorce after only 72 days of marriage? Seems to me, this is more an insult to the sanctity of marriage! Hmmm...two people of the opposite sex who bail the second things get tough because they can (and weren't truly in love), or two people of the same sex who have been together for years on end through thick and thin because of the love they have for each other. Which is worse on the image of marriage? Just an observation!
2. Heard a headline today that drinking soda may be linked to teen violence. They are just now figuring this out? Any parent who pays any kind of attention to their kids should have figured this out a long time ago! I mean, early on, I noticed a connection in my daughter with regards to her behavior and whether or not she had any Dr. Pepper that day. If she had soda, she tended to get a bad attitude...and bad attitudes can definitely lead to violent behavior. DUH!!!
3. People simply do not pay attention to their surroundings, or just don't care. This goes for walking in the grocery store, driving their cars, etc.
Yep...some really deep stuff for so early in the day, I know. :)