I was reading today that the FDA wants to approve these new "frankenfish"! Will they PLEASE stop screwing with our food supply? All this dorking with the food supply is not healthy...come to find out a lot of this crap is causing hormone imbalances...important things like estrogen, testosterone, thyroid hormones, hormones that tell us when to stop eating, etc. Wonder why healthcare costs keep going up? Why people are more overweight and sicker than generations before us? It's because we are eating a bunch of dorked with food that our bodies do not know what to do with!
I was also reading today that BPA...an ingredient in #3 and #7 plastics and used to line cans for food...has been linked to behavioral problems in children if too much is consumed while a mother is pregnant. BPA was given the green flag by the FDA as 100% safe!! I really don't trust the FDA at all...just because they say it is okay, does not mean it is! They have so many special interest groups handing them money it isn't even funny!
We are going the wrong way...we should be REMOVING things from the food supply...MSG, BHT, BHA, excess sodium, high-fructose corn syrup, etc...not coming up with new ways to make un-natural food!