Monday, August 1, 2011


I've been eating mostly organic for a few months now after reading a book by Jillian Michaels that scared the crap out of me. The book was called "Boost Your Metabolism". It wasn't a diet book, but a book about how JUNK in our food and environment messes with the body. MSG, BHA, BHT, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and a host of other things found not only in our foods, but in makeup, plastics, household cleaning products, etc. Now, I haven't given up my makeup, but I have changed my lotions, double checked my shampoo, and changed my household cleaning products...especially my dish soap (I mean, the stuff could potentially leave a fine coat on things I use for my food and drink). I watch my plastics, to only use those which are safer, and use glass whenever possible. By making these changes and eating organic, I have tamed my allergies, tamed my asthma, gotten rid of my recurring migraines, and even go rid of my PMDD! People have also commented on how great skin looks. I've even gone so far as to try to eliminate OTC meds as much as possible...I use ginger to treat my carpel tunnel, and it works!!

One thing I have noticed recently is how tasty raw foods have become. It's like my taste buds have been awakened! Seems all the salt, HFC, sugar, and other flavor enhancers have made us less sensitive to the real flavors in raw food, so the food packagers have to add more and more. But, if you can get yourself away from all the crap, you can actually get your taste buds back! I mean, fruit to me now tastes so sweet! I'm eating the same organic fruit as when I started this journey, but I notice that now it tastes much sweeter!

I was reading an interview with Jillian Michaels in this month's Fitness magazine where she said that one of her goals was to work towards getting all the crap out if the food we eat, and after my personal experience, I support her 110%!!!