Have you ever noticed how there are actually people in this world who feel it is actually possible for a person to be perfect all the time? Now, thankfully, people who I really care about know otherwise. They understand that people are just that...people! People are not perfect, we make mistakes! Yep, contrary to what SOME believe, people are only people, and no one is perfect by any means. We all have days where we may not feel quite perfect...didn't sleep well the night before, something happened that has us a bit upset and we don't really feel like talking about it, too much stuff going on around us, or just plain need for a break because you have been going full force for months without one. These are all reasons one may make a mistake, right? So to those in the world who may be reading this and may be thinking that perfection in people is a reality, please, I implore you...please change your thinking! It will be better for everyone if we learn to accept the flaws of others, understand that is possible for people to just have a bad day, and go on with life!