...and as the holiday season approaches, my life gets busier! Work is already starting to go crazy...and I do me "go" crazy! Not only is work picking up, but we are getting all kinds of strange and outrageous requests! I need some rest! Maybe next week for the holiday...one can only hope!
What kills me, is that as every year, I'm finding less and less time to take care of me! I've gained back about 10 lbs, and I can't seem to do what I need to do in order to take it back off. This morning, for example. Every morning, I have to check into work, because waiting until I get to the office is too late if a client's stuff is going to be delayed. This morning, issues took too much of my time, and I was not able to go to the gym, or I would otherwise be late for work. I'm hoping I may find time later to get a little exercise in. I am putting my foot down on my eating today, however, and sticking to low carb from now until Thanksgiving...if not through Thanksgiving.
On a higher note, I went to a new hair style this weekend. Not sure if my husband likes it yet...think it is just too different for him, and he needs to get used to it.