The job is really starting to get to me. I worked last I'm being told there is a project which will have me working in the evenings for the next week (on top of my normal 9-hour day), and I'm required to work this weekend, too. When do I get time for my life? I had to give up my time of worship and God's presence on Sunday because of my job...something dear and important to me. Now, I'm scheduled to work the evening of my son's football game...the last home game of the season, and I've only gotten to watch him play twice so far this year. I have to work on "date night" (Friday). I'm scheduled to work next Tuesday, and I have practice at church. I'm already putting in more than 40 hours a week, and they expect more! I do my best to keep my personal life from taking away from company time...scheduling things outside of office hours whenever possible, etc. I have dealt with some really emotional stuff this last year...things that I should have taken time off to deal with...but I would shake it off and go into the office...put in a full effort, and then go home and cry. However, the job keeps encroaching on MY time! My time with my God! My time with my family! My time to do for me! My job is not my life...just a means to have the resources to live my life; however, the powers that be at work do not seem to understand that anyone can have a life outside the four walls of that office! I get sick...I work from my bed...I can't even be sick!!! I have suffered all day today with a near disabling headache (most likely triggered from work this past weekend, as I suffered all day with a mild version of it yesterday), and I still had to work from my dark room in bed. Something has got to give...and that something is not me!