Friday, May 18, 2018

Just so much wrong...

Today's school shooting highlights so many issues in our country right now.

First of all...not going to rehash my positions on gun reform...but 3 school shooting incidents in 8 days is a problem, people!! Here we have at least another 9 children and a teacher dead...more to add to the toll. How many more of these before Congress wakes up and tells the NRA to stuff it, and pass some legislation with reasonable measures to help bring an end to these tragedies?! are these kids getting these fucking guns?! I was just reading this morning that the gun the 19-year-old used in Dixon, Illinois (where thankfully no one but the shooter was injured) belonged to his mother. It was a 9mm semi-auto that she purchased in 2012. Now, when these "kids" get guns from their parents to do these terrible things, why are the parents not being held responsible, as well. Okay, sure...the Dixon shooter technically was not a kid, but the mother obviously did not have the gun properly secured if he got hold of it and used it in this shooting! Trigger locks start as low as $10, folks, and renders a gun unusable unless the lock can be broken. With all the talk about "not taking rights away from RESPONSIBLE gun owners", how is it being a responsible gun owner if you do not have your weapon properly secured when not in use?

And finally....and it is a matter of time before this one comes up least two of the shooters in the last 8 days were white. The 3rd (Palmdale shooter) is unknown, as they are not releasing many details due to him being a minor. Important thing to note...all three shooters are in custody! This has been brought up before, especially with the Parkland shooter (who was white). So, you are white, and you just shoot up a school (or at least attempt to), but you are taken into custody alive. However, a black man holding a cell phone in his own yard after being suspected of breaking into cars is killed rather than taken into custody?! A black man pulled over for a traffic violation is killed, rather than taken into custody? A black man selling CDs in front of a store is killed, rather than being taken into custody? Am I the only one who sees the crazy in this?