Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Just an observation...

Have you ever noticed the different stances of folks the first year or so of any Presidency?

Scenario One: Sitting POTUS is of the same party of the person you are talking to, and things with the economy are looking grim. "Well, they have to clean up the mess of the last POTUS, and that takes time!"

Scenario Two: Sitting POTUS is of the OPPOSITE party of the person you are talking to, and things with the economy are looking grim. "See! We elected _____, and everything is going to crap!"

Scenario Three: Sitting POTUS is of the same party of the person you are talking to, and things are good with the economy. "Look at all the great work our POTUS is doing! He has turned things around in such a short period of time!"

Scenario Four: Sitting POTUS is of the OPPOSITE party of the person you are talking to, and things are good with the economy. "Oh, he's just riding the progress that the previous POTUS started years ago!"

Really, which is it? Does it take a long time to create change in the economy of this country? Or can a POTUS bring about quick change? You can't have it both ways. You have to decide how this works, and quit flip-flopping!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

We live in an ass-backward world!

Was reading just this morning that the House is working on a bill to loosen gun restrictions. The bill would "allowing those with permits to carry concealed weapons to legally travel with those firearms to other states".

As I read this article, I found myself thinking how ass-backwards this country is at the moment!! We have seen an increase in mass shootings this year, but our Congress is working on loosening regulations, rather than tightening them up? When I read about this bill, I can't help but feel like this is another one of those "good guys with a gun" arguments. Oh, if we have good guys with guns on planes and such, then we can stop terrorists? What?! Sure, it doesn't say that guns will be allowed on planes...mostly that if you are traveling across state lines by car or what not, you can carry, and as long as you hold a permit in the state you are from, other states cannot prosecute you for simply carrying. Even is the whole arm everyone argument, again....that the solution to guns is more guns!

When will they put real time into real regulations that mean something? How about fixing the fucked up background check system that allowed a sicko to legally buy guns and shoot up a church? Or the system that let a single person stockpile enough weapons and ammo for a small militia, and gun down people attending a concert in Las Vegas? How about making illegal ANY mod that allows a weapon to function similar to that of an automatic, or prohibit the sale of automatic weapons to civilians?! Oh, that is right...civilians have the right to have the same weapons as our law enforcement or military...that is the argument. I guess that means that Joe Citizen should also have access to armored tanks, weaponized drones, bio-agents? Right? Because, see....your automatic weapons aren't going to do jack if our government really wants to put us in our place!

I'm just getting so tired with the lack of common sense these days!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Women who vote for sexually abusive men

There has been a lot of talk lately about the kind of woman who would vote for someone like Roy Moore, who has basically admitted to relations with girls as young as 14. Many ask how could any woman vote for a man like this? This was also asked during the Presidential election as women voted for Trump, who was recorded on audio saying thing about he treats women and who has had several women come forward and say he touched them inappropriately and the like.

To answer the question of how a woman could vote for a man like this, you must first understand the culture of those known as Conservative Republicans! I was married for 15 years to a Conservative Republican. If you lived in this world, you would understand. I can't tell you how many times I was told that it was wrong for me to ever deny my husband sex. It didn't matter if I was down with the flu, if he was horny, I was expected to have sex. The Bible was often used to support this idea. I don't know how many times I was told that I should fulfill all of my husband's sexual desires as to avoid him being tempted by OTHER women! I found myself thinking, "How is it he cannot have enough self control to avoid his own temptation?!"

You see, these women are taught that their husband is their keeper. In this culture, men are pretty much allowed to do as they choose, and the woman is supposed to "serve" her husband! At one point, my ex-husband actually handed me a book titled "Me...Obey...Him" and urged me to read it. I never did! I was too strong willed and independent thinking for this man and their culture, and this caused me a lot of grief! Some of the things I could tell you would make you shudder, but I don't have time to tell of it all here right now...and if you read through my blogs, you may be able to get some idea of my life those 15 years.

Basically, in short, if you have to wonder how any woman can vote for men like this, it is because they are brainwashed and conditioned to! They are brainwashed by their parents, their husbands, their doesn't matter what these men do. You have to vote party! You have to vote like your husband or father! People in this culture are not allowed to think for themselves. I mean...think about it. How many different people have you been in arguments with on social media in the last year on political issues, and think about how each of these Conservative Republicans simply follow the same script, many failing to offer any kind of supporting facts or alternate thinking points to support their stance! It is the way they say because it is simply the way they say...the way their culture says. These woman really don't know any other way to vote!