Thursday, February 16, 2017

Back to our regularly scheduled program... least temporarily...

Monday, February 13, 2017

Where were the prayers?!

I apologize in advance for being such a political downer as of late. If you read my posts, I know you are seeing political crap all over the place...but I only feel safe expressing myself fully in this blog.

That said...I see on my FB timeline these days, all my conservative friends and family members calling for prayer for President Trump. Why should this get to me, you may ask...shouldn't we be praying for our leaders? The fact that it is President Trump is not what gets to me...what gets to me is that I do believe we should pray for our leaders, and where were all these conservatives calling for prayer when Former POTUS Obama was in office?! I spent 8 years watching my Christian friends and family cutting down Obama...saying he was the next Hitler (ironic that they cry now when liberals are now saying the same about Trump). I dare say that I heard certain people in my circle at the time who consider themselves Christians (more pointedly, my ex and certain others) say they hoped someone would take out Obama. However, these very same people are now on social media and such calling for prayer for Trump! The only difference is that President Trump is part of their party. I could promise you that if Hilary Clinton had won the election, they would NOT be calling for prayer like they are Trump...just as they didn't call for prayer in the same manner for Obama!

And THIS is the reason why I have separated myself from the church...because I have seen so much hypocrisy in the last couple of years! I still have my faith in God, but I can't ignore what is going on in the church today! I can't be part of that, and I don't want to be associated with that. Yes, I pray that God provide guidance to the current administration so that they don't screw things up! This is my basic prayer for any administration...regardless of party affiliation! I would like to have a country to live in for the next 40+ years that I anticipate being alive, and would like to know that my now grown children can also live in freedom, as well as any grandchildren I may have (as I currently don't have any).

As a Christian, you can't pick and choose who you pray for based on their party....we should be praying for our country in general regardless of who is in the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, or our state and local offices! You pray for all leaders, or none at all!