Wednesday, June 29, 2016

To all my LGBT friends


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Remember THESE Faces!!

I am a firm believer that we need to stop making "celebrities" out of people who do terrible acts such as what happened in Orlando!! How is it that people will always remember the name of the killer, but rarely the name of the people they killed (unless, of course, they kill a famous person)? Because of the media!!! The media will shove the person's name and picture down our throats with every media outlet!! The killer goes down in history, while the victims remain nameless, and faceless, in the years that anyone besides their close friends and families who miss them dearly. For this reason, I am sharing this!! These are the faces of the Orlando victims!! These are people who saw their lives ended way too soon. These people were someone's brother, sister, son, daughter, cousin, friend, partner...they were someone to somebody...somebody who is hurting today because these people are gone!