Monday, March 25, 2013

I Really Don't Like Liars! yesterday...while in the drive through grabbing a bite before church...the woman behind us rear-ends us.  I get out, obviously upset, and tell her, "I can't believe this! I haven't even had this thing a year yet!" She gives me some song and dance about how sorry she and that her kid was choking on something.  My FIRST reaction to that was, "What the in the world are you doing giving your kid something he could choke on while you are driving and he is in the back seat?"  This is what I wanted to say...but I kept this to myself.

We pull off to the side after both of us paid for and got our food, and I mention that they are going to have to replace the entire back gate because of the way it was isn's something that could be popped out because it creased in where they used the metal to create a frame for the license plate.  She asks if I want to file a police report or just exchange information, to which I said, "Let's just exchange info."  She proceeds to tell me that she doesn't have an insurance card on her and doesn't know her policy number, to which I'm obviously frustrated with (I mean, how do I know that this lady even has insurance...I don't know her from Eve).  My husband gets a piece of paper, and in the wind I'm fighting with it to get it torn into to pieces to give one to her.  In the mean time, her kids are screaming in the car.  She goes over, opens her door to talk to them, and then walks back over to me leaving her door open.  Considering how windy it was, I could easily see her door being blown open further into my car causing more damage, especially since she parked so close to us, so I just walk over and close it...the window was already open so she could still hear her kids.  I didn't say a word to her as I did this.

She wanted to take pictures of the damage, so I pointed it all out to her, even pointed out that she managed to crack the manufacturer's emblem (she had a huge brush guard on the front of her vehicle).  We exchanged our pieces of paper, and she said she would call me with the insurance information.

Through the whole thing, I really didn't say that much to her...I was too frustrated with the whole thing!

As I had her insurance company name, I looked the claims number up on my iPhone, and called them.  They found her in the system and I was able to make my claim.

Nearly the whole day goes by, and we do not hear from her.  Finally, around 8:00 p.m., her husband calls me.  He asks me to tell him what happened.  I tell him we were in the drive through, and his wife rear ended us...that she said she had to tend to her son and I guess her foot slipped off of the break or something.  He asked if we needed the policy number, and I inform him that we called the insurance company she gave us the name of, and they found them in the system and we have an appointment to get an estimate.  He seemed rather nice on the call, and I was equally cordial. At the end of the call, he says, "On another note, my wife says you were really upset and was dropping the f-bomb and everything.  I don't think that was the appropriate response in this situation!" I was in shock!  I explained to him that at NO point during the situation did I cuss at his wife at all.  He said, "Well, she said you got out the car and was like 'I can't f-ing believe this'!"  I repeated back to him EXACTLY what I had said to his wife..."I can't believe this! I haven't even had this thing a year!"  He comes back with, "She says you were yelling and dropping the f-bomb, and there were people around...." I reiterated that at NO time did I cuss his wife out...that yes I was upset, and who wouldn't be!  And I don't know who these people are he is claiming were around.  No one came up to us as witnesses...and she talked to no one else at the place.  After we exchanged information, she sped off while we sat in the parking lot and ate our food!  I told him that I agree...cussing and carrying on is not the appropriate response, but that is NOT what I did.  Again, most of my thoughts I kept to myself...I could have told her what was really on my mind!

Ugh!! I hate liars!  I hope this whole thing goes smoothly and I don't have to deal with these people directly anymore in this process!  It is bad enough that I have to go through the search for a reputable body shop and the hassle of taking time off of work to get my car looked at and fixed!  She's lucky I'm more honest than she is, or she could have ended up with a person claiming false injury to dig even more money out of her and her insurance company!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

School Update!

I have only 7 chapters left on my Personal Trainer course, and I'm carrying a 100% average. Kicking it into full gear...hope to be certified by the end of April 2013!


I'm on Week #2 of Body Combat!  Can you say OUCH!?  I've really been dragging this week, but forcing myself to get my workout in.  I'm pretty sure it was easier last week, because I had the week off and didn't have to work afterward.  Must...push...onward...!

Friday, March 8, 2013

This May Be Cryptic...

...but this is how I really feel about a particular situation right now!