Monday, December 31, 2012

Starting It Off Right!

Trying to start the year off on a positive note!  I've already started on getting my fitness goals back on track. Went yesterday and bought some office furniture to actually set up a home office more working from bed!  Have an actual desk, everything is organized!  Great way to start off the NEW year!

Just want to tell everyone... save this New Year's Eve!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Don't Really Watch...

...but I've been following this season of The Voice online because of this girl! I really hope that, though she was eliminated, that someone picks her up and has her make an album. I'll be looking for this her style!

Peter Murphy Kind Of Day!

Still Moving Along...

This week my gym is closed for renovation...UGH!!!  It is rather depressing not being in dance class for two weeks (as Thursday next week will be the TSO concert).  I'm still going to go to an alternate gym Thursday of this week, one I have not visited yet.  They have a 30-minute core class at 7:30 p.m. which I am planning on doing instead of my Hip Hop class.  It isn't Hip Hop, but it is an abs class...and my abs need all they help they can get!

Tonight will be my next chips during our normal Tuesday night Mexican food night!  Must not eat chips...must not eat chips...MUST NOT eat chips!!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Chilly Morning...

It was so tempting to stay in bed this morning.  I stuck my toes out, felt the cold, and thought, "Oh, I could just lay here, right? Please?" That is when that little voice inside me said, "NO! Get up and get moving!!!!" So, I got up, and got that workout in. How easy it would have been to stay in bed, but how much more proud of myself I am for fighting the comfort of my warm bed to kill another workout session!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Feel Like Crap!

I didn't even wake up on my own this morning.  Ugh!  No workout for me today, I guess.  Must make up for it tomorrow.  I feel so drained today!  Wondering if it is partially my sleep scheduled being so screwed up over the weekend.  Both Friday and Saturday, we stayed up late, and then I got up around 8-ish both days. I'm pretty sure that killed me.